Event Details

Event ID
nariah Jadon
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
nariah Jadon
Primary reason

Over time, Nariah has always been the picture of a skilled, capable member. She's always participated in many competitions, completed many SA exams, and spends a decent amount of time on IRC. She has completed the Clan Plagueis promotion guidelines to ascend from Guardian to Jedi Hunter, which require a general level of activity, which she has already attained. Also, they require 4-6 specific tasks, completed by her participation in the OoK Logo competition, the PCON Graphics competition, the Flash Games Arena competition, the Morroth Development #1 competition, the Funny Pictures competition, the MSN Shadow Academy exam, and the Krath Core Shadow Academy exam. The requirements also ask for the Lightsaber Studies exam to be completed, a task Nariah completed some time ago. Finally, the requirements ask that she complete a task assigned to her by me, which she completed in a timely fashion. By all accounts, Nariah is ready to move on to the level of Jedi Hunter.

nariah Jadon, 2007-06-14 22:00:00 UTC