Event Details

Event ID
Padawan Wattrik Cronis
Old Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Padawan Wattrik Cronis
Primary reason

Since his elevation to Acolyte, young Aro-wan has worked to indoctrinate himself in the ways of the Dark Brotherhood. He has completed the Advancement Survey, Training Saber Basics, participated in the Seventh Great Jedi War (earning a Seal of Pain), drops into the IRC channel #scholae and monitors/posts on the DJB Forums. Additionally, Aro-wan has created a MySpace group for the DJB and has begun filling it in with Brotherhood members from all six Clans (22 members so far). Lastly, he fills a role for the DB as a PA:Sentry. His position allows him to control a DB City and he - as he plays - helps our fellow PA members complete tasks and upgrade their characters.

For these contributions, both personal and Brotherhood-wide, I believe he has earned an elevation to Protector. And I wish him the best of luck as he seeks out a Master and begins his Path to Dark Knight.

Padawan Wattrik Cronis, 2007-09-07 22:00:00 UTC