Event Details

Event ID
Robert "Rusty" Durden
Old Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Primary reason

It has been brought to my attention that Rusty had met the requirements needed to be promoted to Protector. 1) He was awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star (3/24/2008) in the HMR Acronym competition. 2) He took part in the Quote the Star Wars movie 3 competition. 3) He added his submission to IG #27. I therefore request this Journeyman be promoted up a rank so he can join the Night Hawks Battleteam and to take part in the Clan's MSP and work towards Knighthood - SBM Ashura Megos Isradia, QUA of HMR.

Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-04-29 14:04:49 UTC