Event Details

Event ID
Jeric Cyrin
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

Jerse has done a fine job for Taldryan since his last promotion and I believe it is time for him to begin the road to Knighthood. He has shown good activity in a wide variety of forms for which he should gain recognition. Since his last elevation Jerse has completed at least five Shadow Academy exams, participated in at least six competitions (not including the IGs), and maintained good communication, mostly via e-mail.

In addition he is about to wrap up his Internship in House Dinaari where he has learned many things about DJB and Taldryan leadership. Part of his duties in the Internship included running a House-level competition (which had a decent turnout), keeping an activity-tracking record book, and he will be publishing a sample report before his internship is completed in a day.

With his good communication with the House and Clan Summits, good overall activity, and an Internship in the First Clan of the Brotherhood, Jerse Remid has earned his promotion to Jedi Hunter. Congratulations! We look forward to your Knighting down the road ...

, 2008-04-29 15:37:41 UTC