Event Details

Event ID
Adriel Ferore
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Primary reason

Eventhough ACO Adriel Ferore has not yet officially entered Master Student Program, and recently joined Tridens, on behalf of SBM Archean Erinos Tarentae who has put a close supervision to her :

Since her last elevation to ACO about six months ago, she had done a bunch of stuff, let me detail them for you.

SA exams: ACC initiates, DB basics, History of the Sith Empire, IRC basics, MSN messenger, Sith Alchemy, Training Saber Basics. She has completed her Dossier History, and currently she's joined Clan Event by posting in the Clan Run On.

She's on IRC all the time, too.

I believe this is enough stuff to warrant PRT, or even better GRD which I really think she should get.

, 2008-08-05 00:33:45 UTC