Event Details

Event ID
Lucian Primo
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Kazarelth Talismarr
Primary reason

Especially over the past six months, Vai has proven to be a devoted leader, member, and contributor of and to Clan Tarentum and House Cestus. He has shown himself to be active, helpful, and supportive, working with Quaestor Kazarelth Talismarr and me to revive a once stagnant House. With his work as Rollmaster, we have been able to complete our first run-on jointly with Gladius, been able to document all the activity in the House on a weekly basis, and make sure that every new member gets a chance to prove himself/herself in our clan. His work has even earned him a Steel Cross; he's just that good. I have appreciated Vai for all his dedication to Cestus as well as to the Brotherhood as a whole, as he has created competitions, earned various awards, and even now he is participating in the recent GJW. Vai has not just earned his promotion for Dark Jedi Knight; he's long overdue for it. - DJK Ronovi Tavisaen, AED of Cestus

Jedi Hunter Vai Azexel has been the ideal Rollmaster for Cestus and Tarentum as a whole. He is tirelessly at work, and never lets it pile up on him, just like his old master, Sato Tarentae. There are times when you seem to give up on the entire club, and only magnets such as Vai can attract you once more to it with his constantly cheery attitude and friendliness that only increases in warmth. Vai has shown capable leadership and is one of our most cherished members. The DJB, and the world would be an awesome place with more people of his calibre. He is worthy of the title of Dark Jedi Knight, (and to make it a little more traditional) and his first true lightsaber! – Priest Kazarelth Talismarr, QUA of Cestus

Kazarelth Talismarr, 2009-04-02 06:36:15 UTC