Event Details

Event ID
Tyyravis Nami Dantes
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Since taking over as BTL of the Nightwraiths last October Nami has been the absolute epitome of up and coming leaders in Tarentum. He has successfully developed a great deal of fiction for his battleteam, released a report virtually every week like clockwork, and has helped and inspired many of his members to become valuable assets to Tarentum in their own right. His performance during the Broken storyline as well as during the Rite of Supremacy were exemplary. Nami takes part in every competition he can--winning most of them, passed countless SA courses, and completed four Shadow Academy degrees (including a Dark Savant). He is one of Tarentum's most reliable bastions of activity and we appreciate him so much that before long he will be in one of the clan's top leadership positions. Nami, we love you.

~Ji K'awiil, Quaestor of House Cestus

There aren't a lot of people you can find who can match the caliber of leadership, writing skill, and dedication of Tier-Avis Nami. And even you can find someone close to his caliber, I'm sure he can still outmatch them. Nami has been an incredible asset to the clan since he first joined, shortly after the ninth GJW. Since then, he has only proven over and over that he is a capable, trustworthy member of the Tarenti.

Nami has served as BTL of the Nightwraiths for several months now, but besides leading, he has been mostly responsible for including the team in actual clan-wide lore. His consistent reports and concern for the well-being of the Nightwraiths are astonishing to see, but even below the surface level of reports, you can see an intricate turning of gears as Nami continues to strengthen the BT's purpose in House Cestus's fiction. Besides his leadership, his writing skills have surpassed even the best writing veterans of the DB, winning him many ACC battles in the recently concluded Rite of Supremacy and even earning him an Anteian Cross for his participation in the RoS events. He has included his writing in "Broken: The Final Chapter" - a run-on recently finished by the clan - and his very own character article on the DJBwiki is currently featured on the main wiki page. He has earned over twenty crescents for writing competitions, as well as various merit medals for volunteering his time to editing wiki articles and writing pieces of fiction for his house's location and culture.

What I see in Nami is the future of the clan, and I am sometimes disappointed that there aren't more leaders like him. Having worked on a two-person run-on with the guy, I am already confident in his writing ability - but I am even more confident in where he can lead his house and clan next. Tier-Avis Nami has proven to me that he is worthy of becoming one of the many Equites of the DJB, and I only hope that he will continue far past Obelisk Templar, to become one of the newest of the great leaders of the Brotherhood. Thanks, Nami.

~Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul of Clan Tarentum Brig. General of the Clan Tarentum I Corps

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-02-16 03:10:51 UTC