Event Details

Event ID
Tiberius Serpentium
Official Letter of Reprimand
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Chamber of Justice Communique #005

::NOR:: On this day, March 22nd of the 1st Year of the Liberated Brotherhood, I the Justicar of the Brotherhood now announce the punishment that this Chamber lays upon Tiberius Claudius Julius Agripper Germanicus Darius Nero Tang'va. For pleading guilty on all charges that have been laid against you, be aware that this Chamber has granted you leniency in some aspects which will be spoken of as they are announced.

Thus due to your plea of guilty, this Chamber finds you:
    On the Charge of Cheating -- Distributing Answers to the ICQ Shadow Academy Course: Guilty as Charged.
    On the Charge of Cheating -- Distributing Answers to the Leadership Shadow Academy Course: Guilty as Charged.
    On the Charge of Cheating -- Distributing Answers to the MSN Messenger Shadow Academy Course: Guilty as Charged.
    On the Charge of Cheating -- Distributing Answers to the Sith CORE Shadow Academy Course: Guilty as Charged.

    Sentencing for the guilty party is as follows:
    First and foremost, as set out by the Dark Covenant, the Rules by which the Dark Brotherhood must abide by Tiberius is immediately stripped of all powers and priveledges granted by his rank of Guardian, and is henceforth demoted to the rank of Apprentice.
    As with all manners of cheating, for every offense tried and convicted for, a 2 month probationary period is standard. However, due to Tiberius' admission of Guilt, this Chamber is shortening that period to 1 month. Therefore let it be known that from this day, on to for a period of 4 months, APP Tang'va is hereby in a state of probation.
    The terms of probation are thus:
            - The guilty party must approve all Name Changes, Email Changes or House Changes with the Justicar.
            - No awards or promotions may be granted to the guilty party due to Activity within the Shadow Academy during his probationary period.
            - The guilty party is denied from being given a Position of Power during his probationary period.
    Violation of these terms of probation, or committing any other crimes against the Brotherhood during the period of this probation will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Do not trust in the kindness of this Chamber.
    Furthermore, due to the guilty party's cheating within the Dark Brotherhood's Shadow Academy, he is henceforth stripped of all awards granted to him from the Shadow Academy, excluding CORE courses.

Signed and Sealed in Justice, Dark Jedi Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Justicar and High Protector of the Dark Brotherhood

, 2004-03-21 23:00:00 UTC