Event Details

Event ID
Shadow Zebina
Old Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
New Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Until issues in her personal life derailed Ji, he was extremely devoted to House Odan-Urr and its members. If I drifted away for more than two days, there would be an e-mail from him asking how I was doing and if he could help in any way. I know I'm not the only one he devoted this kind of attention to. I felt that if Ji was on IRC, I could come to him with any question or issue I was having. His style of leadership was inspiring to me. He made it very clear that Odan-Urr isn't his house but one that belongs to its members. I have never had a leader give me as much freedom and encouragement as Ji has. It's a shame that life has been harsh to Ji because I feel that the house could have further flourished under his leadership, and I feel like I could have learned so much more from him. I wish him the best in his future endeavors and applaud him for what he did for Odan-Urr. He deserves to be richly rewarded for his service. Thank you, Ji, and God bless.

KP Guinevere Deschain (Sentinel)/CMDR/Odan-Urr

Since I came to Odan-Urr I have seen Ji work tirelessly to make sure the house has been kept going. Even though the slow times he has been there for his house. There has been contests and fiction up dates. Ji has worked his but off to make this new house. Odan-Urr would not even be here with out him and the history on Wiki is up for us all because of him. He makes sure his house has been happy even when he has had troubles. It is time for him to move up in rank after all his hard work with building a new home for the Light side in this club.

KAP Kaira Rohana (Sentinel)//Odan-Urr

The founder of the light side house, Odan-Urr. The first quaestor. The harbinger of fiction and activity, inspiring a peak in gaming. And damn, did he put up with a lot.

I've said a lot about Ji over the past few years, in promotion and award recommendations. Not much has changed. He remains the strong, active, supportive, and creative DBer he is today. Of course, with his real life becoming top priority, he, like other ambitious and apt-minded inventors and leaders, needs to take a break.

Ji has been a phenomenal friend and mentor and has had to put up with a lot in the process. There has been a lot of aggression geared toward him and his unit at times. Some have been hostile to the idea of a Jedi unit within a Dark Jedi club. Others have outwardly expressed disdain. They are not the ones we recognize. It is Ji's resilience, courage, and dedication that we recognize, and his ability to stay the course despite adversity and perhaps feeble summits that makes him the greater member.

That said, I'm honored to provide yet another recommendation for Ji as he goes further up in rank. Congratulations.

-Ronovi Tavisaen Praetor to the Headmaster

There are some who take only what they are given, walk the paths that are already there. And then there are those that seek other routes, take machete and clear their own way. While there has been discussion about a light-side house for as long as I have been on the DC, none worked to make it a reality until Ji. His ideas and plans were solid, but difficult to work in an established unit, something he discovered first hand in Tarentum, and it was only a matter of time before I knew I'd be reading a house proposal from him. I did not expect so bold a move. It takes a deft hand to create a house, and a lot of work to build up a reputation from the ground. He did not have the luxury of building off of what already existed due to his concept. And recruiting a bunch of similarly minded people to aid his cause, Odan-Urr was born. It is his brainchild. Further helping the brotherhood by trying to market this concept to the world beyond the Brotherhood, his actions have served to set in motion plans that will be benefiting the club for years.

Recently, his real life has flared up, and Ji's time was needed elsewhere, he needed to step down from active summit. Halc and I had to look again at what he had made, what we had taken more or less for granted for the last few months. It became glaringly obvious that Ji needed to be promoted for this hard work. And while we both hope that we get him back from the demons of real life soon, we wanted to at least send him off knowing that we do recognize his work and appreciate it. Thank you, Ji. Come back soon.

~Muz Ashen

It has been a year and a half since Ji was last promoted. What has he done since that time? For 5 of those months he was second-in-command of Tarentum, trying to change the long standing culture there and opening it up for newer members. It was not an easy task to burden, and yet it did not stop him from wanting to grow the DB further. For the last 7 months he has been the leader of a House, but not just any House; the first Light side House of the Dark Brotherhood. It is a concept that has come under attack from many areas, and yet he has tried to work through all of the adversity that has been thrown his way. Where many others failed in trying to bring this concept to fruition, he managed the task and has worked to ensure that the House stays viable in the future. He has been awarded a Sapphire Blade, Amethyst Kukri and Grand Cross during this period of time. Those awards alone show his dedication both to his job and to the Brotherhood as a whole. Although RL has now taken him away, he has continued to allow himself to bare the burden of leadership until it can be passed along. This is a token of our appreciation for the work he has put in, and hope to see him make his way back to active duty within the club.


DJM Halcyon Taldrya Deputy Grand Master

Lord Halcyon, 2011-07-22 10:38:02 UTC