Event Details

Event ID
Evoroth Stigaryl
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Seer Eiko
Primary reason

  • Four weeks at Protector required or a Master At Arms assigned task -- MAA Task: Level one of his current characters to 40. Screenshot and send to MAA staff when you submit for promo.
  • Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel
  • Complete your Sith Core exam
  • Participate in five total competitions -- Space Jedi? Meet Space Tank! (#6677) -- Pilot Those Pods! (#6678) -- Plagueis Trivia (10/26/2012 - 11/03/2012) (#6601) -- Plagueis Trivia (11/03/2012 - 11/09/2012) (#6601) -- Our Greatest Tool (#6696)
  • Earn fifteen (total) Clusters of Fire
  • Complete ACC Basics course and your Character Sheet
  • Work on your character’s wiki article
  • Complete the GMRG Exam

Having completed the above requirements, and completing a MAA assigned task to bypass the requirement of spending four weeks at the rank Protector, I request Evoroth's promotion to the rank of Guardian. Congratulations!

On behalf of the entire Summit and your Master, I'd like to encourage you to not stop here -- to always push forward; to Adapt, Ascend, and Avail!

OT Eiko Rollmaster of House Plagueis

Seer Eiko, 2012-12-17 20:31:17 UTC