Event Details

Event ID
Nite Dawn
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Primary reason

Before I begin by establishing Nite Dawn's credentials for eligibility of promotion to Dark Jedi Knight, let me begin by saying that rarely do we ever have a member that knows his character before he gets to a point that most members stop to think about it. He came into Horizons with an already well documented idea of what he was doing, established in the Summer Incursion. His character was so far beyond what I'd seen before, that I, and the other judges were blown away by the idea and design behind it.

His is a creativity that should not be undervalued. As such, I look forward to many more things from him, including his continued participation in the greater DJB fiction realm, and what he will bring to Plagueis.

As such, I'd like to now speak to his work in earning his Knighthood.

Nite Dawn has served his time with effort and focus. He has constantly stayed in touch with his Master throughout the process, to ensure that any difficulties were addressed with speed and purpose.

His dedication and efforts in Horizons were sufficient to earn him a Dark Cross. Only a few members from Plagueis competed sufficiently to earn such a distinguished medal.

He has placed in several competitions, earning several crescents , including a Topaz Crescent.

He completed his House Summit Task with accuracy and diligence, working side by side with the Aedile to ensure that the wiki pages were not only brought up to specification, but done on a time table that required the task be completed right the first time.

He's run and completed our Lightning Round Trivia, to give our members who weren't able to compete in the Avenger II Run On, something to get excited about prior to the Crusade being launched.

For a person who is as prolific as Nite Dawn, completing ten additional pages of personal fiction was as nothing. He actually completed thirty pages of personal development fiction.

The requirement for Clusters of Fire was laughable for Nite Dawn, who'd already earned more than a hundred by the time he was even close to being promoted.

Even prior to today, he's served as a tank in regular raid groups, even without being promised a spot. He's routinely made himself available to help every time a group lacked a member, to ensure that the raids could be completed and run on time, on multiple occasions.

Mind that his effort and dedication were WITHOUT HIS BEING A PART OF A REGULAR RAID GROUP. He busted his ass not because he was obligated to, but because he could and would contribute to make sure that others could enjoy themselves.

In Horizons alone, Nite Dawn completed near his minimum requirement of participating in 15 total competitions, much less the ones he completed since then.

Nite dawn is one of those members who is not only creative, and capable, but given time, will change the face of the Brotherhood with his unique take on things.

I am proud to welcome him to his Knighthood.

~OE Tra'an Reith, Quaestor of House Plagueis

Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2013-02-05 19:46:15 UTC