Event Details

Event ID
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

Ernordeth has completed all of the requirements for promotion including running a trivia competition, participating in a number of competitions and earning a bunch of CoFs. What isn't reflected in the promotion requirements, however, is all the other stuff he has done. He is running several other competitions. He completed many more SA courses than were required. He has more CoFs on the way. He has done most of these things without me having to ask; he is simply that enthusiastic and self-motivated. He is always in #tarentum and despite being outranked by most of the people in there he has become a leader of sorts already. His cheerfulness and energy are infectious and have helped us to begin an awesome thing in Tarentum: a small but solid core of activity and enthusiasm in a House that has been lethargic and negative for far too long. It is my pleasure and honor to recommend him for this promotion and I eagerly look forward to what else we can achieve in the future.

Scion Tarentae, 2013-06-16 19:20:33 UTC