Event Details

Event ID
Icy Acari
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Adept Xantros
Primary reason

In recent month, Icy has shown very high level of activity. We have seen him stretching towards learning more about various aspects of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, including passing GMRG History course, ACC Basics course and Obelisk Core, as well as completion of his Character Sheet.

In addition to this, Icy has organized one competition during HSP Summer Games - Achieve a Full Belly. During the Games, he has also participated in six events and placed three times, what has earned him Anteian Cross, his very first merit award. Total number of competitions, which he has participated in, is eight, excessing this requirement by three competitions.

The last, but not the least, Icy appeared on the HSP IRC channel and talked to us there. All these merits, including passing the time requirement to advance to a higher rank, convince me that Icy has made his next step to the Knighthood and truly earned the promotion to the rank of Guardian. Congratulations!

Adept Xantros, 2013-07-20 00:22:44 UTC