Event Details

Event ID
Source Unit
Acclivis Draco
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Well, now that the GJW is over, I can finally take that permanent vacation from the DJB that I've always wanted. =)

Also, please feel free to remove the Palpatine name from my dossier, per DJB policy. I would also like to request a name change, from Timbal to Lambow. This is because the Timbal character/persona was "killed" during the events of the GJW. I'll be updating my character sheet momentarily to reflect this new Wookie character.

My thanks to all of you, you guys are what makes this club a great one. =)

Signing off for the last time;

Epis Timbal Palpatine

Lambow, 2009-04-27 06:19:40 UTC