Event Details

Event ID
Jaden Cardie
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Defender (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Sala Fe
Primary reason

Jaden Cardie is someone who should have been promoted long ago, he has the desire and the ability to work his way up the rank system and I wish he had been eligible for this sooner. However, it is my pleasure to announce today that he has met the promotion requirements and deserves to be awarded the rank of Defender. Showing his funny and interesting personality on IRC, he as also completed the Sith CORE exam and spent more than enough time in PRT to complete the required tasks. From some time ago before he went to the rogues, he completed his ACC requirements as well as earned himself a Dark Cross for his efforts in the Vendetta event Spoils of War. Recently he did the GMRG exam, as well as made great efforts on his wiki and a personal fiction he did for myself (despite being self-proclaimed as not a writer). With all of this he has completed his requirements for the promotion to Defender and I would like to recommend him for such. Very well done, Cardie, and great work in trying something new and getting more involved in things offered by the DB that may not be in your comfort zone. Congrats! ~Raiju Kang~

Jaden Cardie is one of those members that you ask to give you a brief list of interests, and instead writes a long essay describing his strengths and pitfalls along with his interest. He completed the majority of his requirements years ago, which include the Sith CORE Exam, earning a Dark Cross during Spoils of War, and completing his ACC requirements. Raiju has worked with him on developing his writing skills with a personal fiction, a great thing considering Cardie himself has said he is primarily a gamer at heart. He has worked on his wiki and taken the GMRG exam, With all of these things, as well as he dedication to his house by joining us on IRC, I'd like to recommend him for promotion. Awesome job, Jaden!

Sala Fe, 2013-07-29 17:21:41 UTC