Event Details

Event ID
Rathus Marr
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Very rarely anymore do I find someone in the Dark Brotherhood who possesses what I like to think of as the spirit of Old Taldryan. Taldryan of old was an irreverent place that had no care for authority for authorities sake, and was insanely active for two reasons: to help each other out, and to prove how awesome Taldryan was. To me, Rathus is the embodiment of these two things. He possesses a caustic wit, that makes me equally cringe, and laugh myself silly at varying moments, and chooses to not take anything too seriously. His performance in the Dark Crusades has been admirable, at a guess I would venture he's in the top 20% of overall performers in the DB for the crusades thus far, and he's done all that without being all that interested in anything except helping Taldryan succeed. That to me is dedication.

That to me is a sign that Rathus is a true Knight of Taldryan. Congrats Rathus.

Aedile of Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-08-16 04:02:20 UTC
Additional reasons

I've known Rathus for years, and the entire time, he has been virtually impossible to motivate to do just about anything... which is precisely why what he's done in Taldryan has been so special. Rathus has embraced the House like few in recent memory have; everything he does, he does for his unit. Rathus isn't interested in personal glory or medals, and instead spends most of his active time during the Crusades, doing his damnedest to represent Tal. He has participated in 18 events since the very beginning. He's dedicated to his House above all else. Furthermore, he has also taking his time to fulfill various other requirements of promotion, including Shadow Academy coursework, gaming outside of the Crusade, getting characters in TOR to max level, and even running his own competition. I've never seen Rathus so motivated, nor so eager to help others.

So congratulations on Dark Jedi Knight, you creepy lover of space harpies; you deserve it!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor Dark Prophet & Master of Rathus

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-08-16 03:04:32 UTC

Before I stepped up to the position of Rollmaster, I have to admit I didn't know Rathus all that well - given I don't get on IRC much, our contact had unfortunately been minimal. In the last few months, however, all of that has changed. Rathus truly is the epitome of activity, there is barely a competition that goes by without seeing his name on the entry list. He manages to attain incredible levels of achievement, with very little fuss or theatrics. Rathus is one of those people you long to have in the House, someone who will, without fail, get the job done and achieve all he can, without the need for constant reminding. I have little doubt that what we've seen so far is only the beginning. Congratulations Rathus, on completing all your requirements for promotion, and for achieving the rank of Dark Jedi Knight!

KE Nyssa "Bubbles" Taldrya

Rollmaster of Taldryan

Nyssa "Bubbles" Taldrya, 2013-08-16 03:14:14 UTC

Since Rathus has joined the DB and Taldryan he has never ceased to impress me, everything he does, he does with the fullest of his heart and for the best of his House, may it be his constant presence on Taldryans IRC Channel, his steadfast manner with which he fulfills the tasks he was given or his level of participation during and in between the Dark Crusade for which he has been rewarded an Anteian Cross. During his time in Taldryan Rathus has participated in almost if not every available competition or event, while hosting one competition of his own for his House, not to mention his activities in Star Wars: The old Republic, where he has leveled at least two characters to the maximum level and snagged himself a total amount of 53 Clusters of Fire. In this context I especially would like to point out his work for the “Create an Aspect” competition where he placed first and has been rightfully rewarded a Crescent with Diamond Star for. Even working through numerous Shadow Academy exams to receive a SA-Degree or writing ten pages of character fiction is nothing Rathus shirks from.

Now the time has come to reward Rathus with what he truly deserve, his promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, well done Rathus and congratz on your promotion!

~OP Rian Aslar

Quaestor of House Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-08-16 03:14:46 UTC