Fiction Activity

[GJW XIII Phase II] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt
Textual submission


Hilgrif looked at the date that Jorde’ya Marwar sent him of the Esk Regiment first and the fourth battalions as both were now in open mutiny as they lost some
of their units in one of the fake Brotherhood attacks. Hilgrif then click a video feed that was in the file. The video showed the 2 battalion commanders standing up then the one on the right with the rank of first battalion commander stepped forward then spoke

“Major Jorde’ya Marwar, this commander Frank of the first battalion,Esk regiment. I am my men refuse to stand down from this blatten attack from the Iron Throne. Just because senate wants to get better trade deals with the Iron Throne me and my men will not let our brothers that died in there attack on this outpost go to waste. We will hunt down the fanatics that have killed our brothers and we will make them pay in blood. Theollective agents who came to our rescue our now taking us to one of their outpost and after that we will report back for crime of mutiny to you Major Jorde’ya Marwar but only after we avenge our fallen brothers. We ask you as a brother do not stop us.” The first commander step back.

The commander on the left side with the rank of 4th battalion commander stepped forward and said in a regretful but steady voice, “ This is the fourth battalion commander Sanko. Me and my men agree with them I am sorry it came to this but the blood of our brothers must be paid for.” He then saluted shortly before the video feed had ended. Hilgrif shook his head these fools think they would get back and maybe get less punishment because they sent a message before the mutiny. They were fools besides they would never get back. Hilgrif then sent a message to Jorde’ya Marwar “We will deal with it.” Hilgrif then sent a satellite feed of that location on the planet then rewind it till he saw the transports they got on. Hilgrif had used the satellite to locate the base that were shown in the images and where they were going. Hilgrif then called the outpost commander and said “this is Hilgrif of the hive and of Naga Sadow. You got 2 battalions of fools coming to attack your outpost. Try to take them alive for the trade talks but if not kill them i do not care.“

Hilgrif then hung up and hope the outpost would listen. Hilgrif saw after about 10 mins a couple of squads of fighters take off and fly to the transports. The transports tried fighting back but after losing one fourth of them and not taking down any of the fighters they seem to give up and looked like they were escorted back to the 5th fleet main command location. .Hilgrif shook his head at that group of foolish troops then went back to see if there was any more trouble to deal with in the reports