Fiction Activity

Textual submission

Kashyyk, Kashyyk System, Mid Rim
Von Ricmore

This was a good life to live. Von Ricmore enjoyed the natural habitat of Kashyyk away from the hustle and bustle of the corporate cities that seemed to dominate many of the core worlds. His visions still came, many of them nightmarish warnings of coming conflicts and death. But it wasn’t up to Von to stop them, he had long accepted the Will of the Force.

In another time and another place Von would have found himself shackled by his visions. Convinced the Force required conflict, wars he had to prevent from getting too out of hand.

That was not the case for the Von of this reality. He learned to let go.

This Von found himself living as a hermit, offering his services as a sage and a healer to the native Wookie population and any other travelers the Force saw fit to bring to the wild planet.

The Force would whisper to him, tempt him. He could have more if he reached out and used his power to take it. But Von had no need for material things, for wealth, for adoration. He was content with his life. Enough space to be peaceful but communities close enough for him to seek out social interaction and the things needed for survival.

It was on the return of one of these trips that Von’s life changed forever. The kiffar entered his ramshackle hut carrying a mixture of gathered herbs and purchased food. Setting the bags down he felt a cold foreboding presence which sent a shiver down his spine.

“Jedi.” A guttural voice tinged with cybernetic modification called out to him.

“I was once.” Von answered without turning around. “I haven’t wielded a saber in many years. If it is a fight you seek you will need to look elsewhere.”

Turning around, the healer looked over the Sith. Purple blotches covered his unnaturally pale face.

“You will render me aid. Or you will suffer.” The large man snarled.

Von stood completely still and stared at the man.

“Are you deaf old man? Fix me.” He demanded as he grabbed Von by the throat. He began to choke the hermit only to relent as a hard cough wracked his body with spasms.

“If you won’t fix me I’ll hurt the native population until you do. You jedi are all the same, hurt enough innocents and you’ll bend.” The man walked towards the door to make good on his threat only to find his body frozen.
“SIT DOWN.” The order reverberated throughout the Sith’s skull, forcing him to his knees as he fought the compulsion.

“I’ll kill you!” The Sith shouted as he ignited his crimson blade and swung it in a killing blow.

Crimson met transluscent as the healer put up a barrier just in time to stop the attack.

Enraged the Sith hammered the shield. Blow after blow until it cracked and shattered.

“You can’t even see it. You’ve already lost.” The hermit claimed as the Sith brought down his blade.

A pile of empty robes fell to the floor.

“You…” The Sith began to choke as the poison overcame his body, falling lifelessly to the ground.