Val Sunshadow, I presume?

Val Sunshadow, I presume?
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Costume: The Official


Owned by: Epis Locke Sonjie

Prototype: Costume

Slotted in: Val's Possessions

The Costume comes in a variety of forms, allowing the individual to blend in with the style of attire around them. It can range from the elaborate guise, to the simple rags, so long as it obscures the individual's features.

The Official (Costume)

Val Sunshadow, I presume? is a great way to hide in the open. Val Sunshadow has dressed the part in a black jacket and slacks over a white shirt and black tie. She also carries an official looking datapad while sporting a set of thick rimmed glasses, an obvious bureaucrat, just the kind of person the workers and middle management of most places want to avoid.