Battlelord Mateus Kelborn

Equite 3, Rogues, Force Disciple, Mandalorian
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
27816 words in 29 activities
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Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 29 in total
Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 3
Textual submission

Once upon a time there was a plot to kill [[Grand Master]] [[Pravus]] hatched by Clans [[Arcona]], [[Plagueis]] and [[Tarentum]], in retaliation for the Grand Master’s killing of some Undesirables and purging some Lighties because that’s what sable black darkity dark people do. As it turns out, the three Clans all recently fell under attack by Pravus in different ways, seeking to tear them all apart – Pravus hired [[Wuntila Arconae]] to murder the hell out of [[Telona Murrage]], the dirty Tarenti [[Krath]] for insurrection against the Iron Throne in order to tear the ancient Tarentum-Arcona alliance apart. He sent [[Aabsdu Dupar]] with a fleet to blow up Plagueis for failing a lot. This made people from all three Clans sad, so they hatched a plot to kill Pravus.

The first stage of this plan was to assemble the forces required to murder a Grand Master. A full show of force was deemed unnecessary so they decided to send an elite strike team in, using representatives from the best [[battleteams]] across all three clans. Their purpose was to distract and then murder Pravus as vengeance for the wrongs he had committed, making them some sort of ‘avengers’. Given that the new location of the Iron Throne was currently in transit, they decided that getting aboard using the wiles of a [[Dark Council]] member was likely the best course of action – so they recruited [[Marick Arconae]], now known simply as Marick Tyris in order to distance himself from his Clan.

Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

Mateus Kelborn, slain by Grand Master Pravus during the assault on the Suffering.

Loyal son of Mandalore.

Devoted Shadesworn.

Unfortunately, not much else. Sucks to be the new guy, doesn’t it?

Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 1
Textual submission

“Nighthawk en route, Shadow Lady. We’ll land in two minutes. Talons, lock and load!”

The ringing voice of Rulvak Qurroc called out across the hangar deck of the Nighthawk. As the premier combat vessel of the Arconan military machine, it was being tasked with one mission: extract the strike team as best as they could. Having failed, unfortunately, the Nighthawk would have to take those that were left and bring them home.

Mateus looked to his allies, then sealed his T-visor helmet over his head. All around him everyone was clad differently: those dedicated Dark Jedi and Sith fought in their best battle robes or light armour. Some fought in proper battle armour, like him. No matter their preference, the team of the Nighthawk was allied in purpose: save this alliance. Bring their friends home.

Many had been cut down by the Iron Legion aboard the Suffering that day as things turned from bad to worse. Mateus was highly unsure that they could pull this off: board a Super Star Destroyer and extract the strike team deep within enemy territory? It seemed crazy. However, he was a professional warrior. There was nothing other than the mission now.

Mateus had already volunteered to be the vanguard, saber raised high, prepared to defend and heal and bond his allies. The Force weaved together meant that the battleteam was perfectly united now. That kind of unity was all that was left to save the three-way alliance, if not for the blood they were shedding together. It would bring the three Clans together for the future, at the very least.

The ramp dropped. All that were left now were bodies – battered, broken, some dead. And, at the far end of the hangar bay, the waiting rifles of the Iron Legion.

“Gather them! We’ll evac them now!”

A fireteam with a heavy repeater, brought on board by Major Kharoc Garrlan, laid down covering fire – the Legion scattered. Mateus could only think to himself that this had been suicide, as he picked up a fallen Tarenti. Suicide for the Clans. That was all this was.

Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 3
Textual submission

Once upon a time there was a plot to kill [[Grand Master]] [[Pravus]] hatched by Clans [[Arcona]], [[Plagueis]] and [[Tarentum]], in retaliation for the Grand Master’s killing of some Undesirables and purging some Lighties because that’s what sable black darkity dark people do. As it turns out, the three Clans all recently fell under attack by Pravus in different ways, seeking to tear them all apart – Pravus hired [[Wuntila Arconae]] to murder the hell out of [[Telona Murrage]], the dirty Tarenti [[Krath]] for insurrection against the Iron Throne in order to tear the ancient Tarentum-Arcona alliance apart. He sent [[Aabsdu Dupar]] with a fleet to blow up Plagueis for failing a lot. This made people from all three Clans sad, so they hatched a plot to kill Pravus.

The first stage of this plan was to assemble the forces required to murder a Grand Master. A full show of force was deemed unnecessary so they decided to send an elite strike team in, using representatives from the best [[battleteams]] across all three clans. Their purpose was to distract and then murder Pravus as vengeance for the wrongs he had committed, making them some sort of ‘avengers’. Given that the new location of the Iron Throne was currently in transit, they decided that getting aboard using the wiles of a Dark Council member was likely the best course of action – so they recruited [[Marick Arconae]], now known simply as Marick Tyris in order to distance himself from his Clan.

Marick used his newfound access to sneak a strike team aboard the [[Suffering]], the flagship of the Grand Master, inside a series of cargo crates disguised as [[Sith]] artifacts. With the team aboard successfully, [[Zekk]] of Tarentum as team leader made the decision to sneak through the engineering vents of the vessel and make their way to the bridge of the vessel. Nine members of the allied Clans surrounded Darth Pravus aboard the ship and prepared to engage him. Pravus, surrounded by Royal Guards and the Iron Legion, declared the challenge open. The team had to fight their way through the minions of the Grand Master before engaging him in combat.

Aftermath: Week 2 Poetry 1
Textual submission

Allegiance, to shade.
His blade, a vicious dragon.
I barely knew him.

Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 2
Textual submission

An ancient tether snapped.
An alliance, easily unmade.
And all in the space of time
As the flash of a hand grenade.

We stumble 'pon the dark abyss
In a sea of turmoil and dark.
Our Consuls seek the mend us
With words we must now hark.

A new alliance, forged again
With bonds yet tighter still.
A plan to kill tyrant Pravus
....but who then his boots will fill?

Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

Assembled on the flight deck of the Nighthawk, Mateus stared around at the motley crew of assembled warriors. Galeres’finest killers, these were his brothers in arms now. All of them had one purpose, no matter where they came from: to slay the enemies of the Shadow Clan.
“A lightsaber is the best killing weapon in the Galaxy, as far as I care. I’ve used blasters for years. I’ve used beskad blades for years too. But nothing cuts like a saber, stops blood flow like a saber. No mess other than body parts,”the Mandalorian said as he tossed his saber hilt through the air.

Catching it, the Mandalorian warrior snarled quietly. “Pravus might see us all coming, even when we surround him, but he won’t feel anything after that last moment when I put a sun through his heart.”