Ghost Rulvak Qurroc

Elder 1, Clan Vizsla, Sith
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc has collected 88 Academic Credits, with an average score of 99.52%
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc has completed 7 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Pundit - Essentials 12 Feb, 2015
Pundit - Vendetta 12 Feb, 2015
Maven - Legends 13 Nov, 2015
Maven - Combat 23 Oct, 2016
Maven - Flight 23 Oct, 2016
Savant - Warfare 23 Oct, 2016
Sage - Warfare 23 Oct, 2016
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc has completed 63 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Comms 103: DJBWiki (An Introduction) 10 Feb, 2015 10 Feb, 2015 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Activities 105: Vendettas 20 May, 2020 20 May, 2020 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Essentials 105: Member Conduct 27 May, 2018 27 May, 2018 100%
Department of Lore Astronomy Studies 12 Oct, 2015 12 Oct, 2015 100%
Department of Writing Fiction Studies 10 Oct, 2017 10 Oct, 2017 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Starfighter Studies 22 Oct, 2015 23 Oct, 2015 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Land Vehicles 20 Oct, 2016 20 Oct, 2016 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Lightsaber Studies 20 Oct, 2016 20 Oct, 2016 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Lightsaber Combat 23 Oct, 2016 23 Oct, 2016 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Martial Arts: Form Studies 23 Oct, 2016 23 Oct, 2016 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Capital Starship Studies 23 Oct, 2016 24 Oct, 2016 100%
Department of Combat & Warfare Freighters/Transports Studies 12 Oct, 2015 15 Oct, 2015 100%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Leadership Management 5 Mar, 2015 5 Mar, 2015 92%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Leadership Reports 2 Apr, 2015 2 Apr, 2015 93%
Department of Legends Guardian Legends 13 Nov, 2015 14 Nov, 2015 100%
Department of Legends Krath Legends 13 Nov, 2015 13 Nov, 2015 100%
Department of Legends Sith Legends 12 Nov, 2015 12 Nov, 2015 100%
Department of Legends Sentinel Legends 13 Nov, 2015 14 Nov, 2015 100%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy 23 Jun, 2019 23 Jun, 2019 100%
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 18 Feb, 2015 13 Oct, 2015 100%
Department of Legends Consular Legends 4 Feb, 2015 4 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives IRC Basics 23 Oct, 2016 23 Oct, 2016 100%
The Archives Trial of Acquisition 6 Dec, 2016 6 Dec, 2016 Complete
The Archives Run-On Studies 17 May, 2017 17 May, 2017 100%
The Archives GJWXII: Know Thy Enemy 31 Oct, 2017 31 Oct, 2017 100%
The Archives GJWXII: Blast from the Past 21 Nov, 2017 21 Nov, 2017 89%
The Archives Knowledge Is Power I 22 Nov, 2018 22 Nov, 2018 100%
The Archives Knowledge is Power II 22 Nov, 2018 22 Nov, 2018 100%
The Archives GJW XIV: Homefront 3 Aug, 2020 3 Aug, 2020 100%
The Archives Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches 10 Feb, 2015 10 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity 10 Feb, 2015 10 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Gaming 104: Pazaak 10 Feb, 2015 10 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 101: History 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 102: Societies 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 103: Orders & Disciplines 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 104: Ranks 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 105: Organization 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 106: Medals 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Comms 103: Discourse Forum 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Graphics in the Brotherhood 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Vendetta 101: Foundation 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Vendetta 102: Submission 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips 12 Feb, 2015 12 Feb, 2015 100%
The Archives Dark Brotherhood Basics 29 Jan, 2015 12 Oct, 2015 100%
The Archives ToR Basics 12 Oct, 2015 12 Oct, 2015 100%
The Archives General Warfare 12 Oct, 2015 12 Oct, 2015 100%
The Archives Comms 102: Telegram 22 Oct, 2015 22 Oct, 2015 100%
The Archives Gaming 102: Fist-o-matic 11 Nov, 2015 11 Nov, 2015 100%
The Archives Diablo III - Basics 20 May, 2016 20 May, 2016 100%
The Archives Combat Tactics 102: Armor 20 Oct, 2016 20 Oct, 2016 100%
The Archives Societies: Shadow Academy Society 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Societies: Inquisitorius 23 Oct, 2016 23 Oct, 2016 100%
Character Creation & Development Societies: Shroud Syndicate 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Mercenary Order Core 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Loyalist Order Core 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Jedi Order Core 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Force Disciple Order Core 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Sith Order Core 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Character Sheets 101: Introduction 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Character Sheets 102: Possessions & Loadouts 15 May, 2020 15 May, 2020 100%
Character Creation & Development Societies: GMRG 30 Jan, 2015 30 Jan, 2015 100%
N/A Trial of Identity 21 Oct, 2014 21 Oct, 2014 Complete