Ranarr Kul-Tarentae

Equite 4, Rogues, Sith
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
13148 words in 49 activities
751 words in 2 posts and 1 activity
0 words in 0 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 21 - 30 of 50 in total
Aftermath: Week 1 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

Ranarr stood on the stairs of the Dark Hall, a grin and a pair of bright orange eyes were all he could see underneath the cloak of the woman approaching him. His boots were dirty, his coat was ripped, his left knee was even bruised from tripping over some rubble. The Cathar had tried to keep this individual at a distance while making his way through the ruins on the, once glorious, surface of Antei. There was nowhere left to run now, it was time to face the one who was hunting him.

Lost in his opponent’s eyes, Ranarr heard her soft but threatening voice echo through his head: “You’re plotting against the Grand Master himself, therefor your life must be brought to an end!” The dark figure revealed herself as she threw of her cloak gracefully. “It is time for Pravus’ reign to come to an end!” roared Ranarr, without revealing his true emotions. Her eyes, her horns and teeth, accompanied by the Sith runic tattoos all over her well-toned body, surely left an impression on the Major.

With one hand on his neuronic whip and the other on one of his pistols, Ranarr found the courage to take a step forward. “There have been more attempts on Pravus’ life, and as long as he is in power there will be more. If I’m not one of those, able to bring him down, others will rise to face him.” Ranarr inhaled deeply. “Do what you’re tasked with to do, I’m not afraid to die. But know one thing, I’m not going down without a fight!”

Aftermath: Week 1 Scene Writing 1
Textual submission

“Message to all Tarenti/Tarentae: Gear up and head to the Dajorra System ASAP, exact coordinates will follow.” Consul Frosty Romanae alerted all of Tarentum.

While heading out, the transport received several coordinates through the comlink. Where were they heading? As many thoughts went through Ranarr’s mind, he started feeling lighter in his head. Only minutes later he passed out.

“Hrrnnn…rrmm...” As Ranarr regained consciousness he found himself on a small island, he wasn’t alone. The Cathar was sharing the limited space on the island with a Plagueian and Arconan, both recovering from a black out as well. The Arconan looked around: “Selen…”
“So, that’s where we are?”… The Arconan nodded.

Almost simultaneously the voices of Augur Atyiru Caesura Entar, Warlord Teylas Ramar di Plagia and Warlord Frosty Romanae Tarentae interrupted the silence, bringing one and the same message to their members: “We brought you to this group of islands on Selen…” the Arconan was right. “…and teamed you up with our allies. We need to prepare for the big thing ahead and we want you to share your knowledge and skills with each other.”

Ranarr looked around and noticed more islands in a distance around them. “Each our own little training spot huh?” The three members looked at each other with suspicion, but agreed on the fact that they all had their strengths and weaknesses.

“Let’s do this!”

Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 1
Textual submission

In Darkness we found our ally 
In absence we see we're not alone 
For they are here with us 
Feel joint hate burning your soul 

We despise them more than you could know 
And their rage ignites us from within
But there's no escaping our bitter destiny
Bound in abhorrence, them and us

Aftermath: Week 2 Poetry 1
Textual submission

I don't feel a thing
Anger left me long ago
No fear or regret

Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 2
Textual submission

With a life taken,
More is taken away.
Every move of a chess piece
Brings us to less ease.

But still it lives,
And Darkness it gives,
The alliance of them and us.

Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

"I'll draw you, my Ryyk Blade, and you'll slam Pravus in the face, right before piercing his darkened heart. You've served me well when facing my enemies, now we'll face an enemy of us all. Let his poisened blood flow! Let his screams echo for years to come! You, my Ryyk Blade will end his reign."

Aftermath: Week 2 Poetry 3
Textual submission

We are the shadow in the dark, the obscurity in the blackness. Illumination is a lie. Fight and be prepared to die!

Aftermath: Week 3 Poetry 3
Textual submission

Our intentions fail
Our heart is filled with anger
But Pravus lives on

We all fought real brave
We all sacrificed a lot
But his reign goes on

Pravus' reign goes on
But we will not bow to him
Our plans will live on

Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 1
Textual submission

Wuntila smiled at the one way mirror. I knew that he knew I was watching. Time to march in.

"I'm Ranarr Kul" I stated, "and I have some questions for you. ... And you are?"

"Don't play games" he stated in an uneven, unemotional way, "you know who I am."

I seductively smiled, as I fixated my dark green eyes directly upon him. He quickly fidgeted and involuntarily averted his own eyes away. I knew right then he began to sense my strength and feel the fear and he didn't know why.

"…And?" I casually replied with an even more alluring smile, careful not to show my teeth. It was then I detected beads of perspiration that had begun to condense on his forehead.

As Wuntila just sat there, not replying to my questions he could begin to detect a slight scent of my anger that now mixed with his scent of fear.

"You know we have evidence of you killing Telona! You didn't handle for yourself! Who ordered the hit?!"

Suddenly, the door swung open and in walked some confident and cocky young Sith, Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn. "Let the fun begin!" she grinned as she called upon the Force to put some pressure around Wuntila's neck. "Who ordered the hit?" I aked again.

"No! He'd kill me."

"What do you think I'll do?" grinned Tahiri while she tightened her grip.

"Was it Pravus?" I growled.
Tahiri tightened her grip even more.
"Was it..."

"YES! It was Pravus... "

Aftermath: Week 2 Poetry 2
Textual submission

An enemy made
A friend has come to aid us
Together we stand

We move for vengeance
We keep stalking our pray
Together we hunt

With caution we move
With anger but also with fear
Together we stand