Gug Yolthian

Journeyman 1, Rogues, Jedi
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
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Ode to 2016
Textual submission

2016 was not the year to be. All the deaths and upsets I bet I'm next. Some choices were made, some not even right. Will I get stronger and live to fight another fight? A choice was made to snort some cocaine, maybe that would finally drive me insane. You lose a buddy in combat, the force not present. Is the force real or just some stupid legend? I'm tired of playing these silly games of the same lane of the same train. Will it stop? Will it pop? Will it reach the top? Don't worry about me and who I fire I get what I desire its my empire? Wait is it? Is it my empire or the dreams empire. Do we take it to higher or keep it on the Lance commandant table? I realize in 2016. I don't have a saber. I don't have the force...

I think I just have the Schwartz.