Rebel Vltrykin, Matriculant

Novitiate 4, Rogues, Force Disciple
Rebel Vltrykin has collected 6 Academic Credits, with an average score of 97.17%
Rebel Vltrykin has completed 1 degree
Degree Date Completed
Pundit - Essentials 9 May, 2023
Rebel Vltrykin has completed 7 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Essentials 104: Structure of the Club 9 May, 2023 9 May, 2023 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Essentials 102: Progression 7 May, 2023 7 May, 2023 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Essentials 103: The Brotherhood’s Galaxy 9 May, 2023 9 May, 2023 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Comms 101: Website Navigation 9 May, 2023 9 May, 2023 83%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Essentials 101: Welcome to the Brotherhood 9 May, 2023 9 May, 2023 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Essentials 105: Member Conduct 9 May, 2023 9 May, 2023 100%
N/A Trial of Identity 25 Apr, 2023 25 Apr, 2023 Complete