
Journeyman 4, Rogues, Sith
Shen-Long has collected 2 Academic Credits, with an average score of 0%
Shen-Long has completed 0 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Shen-Long has completed 6 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 8 Apr, 2003 8 Apr, 2003 Complete
The Archives Test of Skill 2 Aug, 2002 2 Aug, 2002 Complete
The Archives Dark Jedi Meditation 10 Aug, 2003 10 Aug, 2003 Complete
The Archives Leadership Studies 11 Aug, 2003 11 Aug, 2003 Complete
The Archives Trial of Acquisition 10 Feb, 2023 10 Feb, 2023 Complete
N/A Trial of Identity 18 Apr, 2002 18 Apr, 2002 Complete