Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker

Equite 3, Clan Scholae Palatinae, Sith
Displaying competitions 441 - 450 of 456 in total
Title Status Running time Target unit Competition Type
[PLA] The Legionnaires Finished 2012-03-06 - 2012-03-25 (20 days) Clan Plagueis Other
ACC 5th Championship Ladder Finished 2012-02-15 - 2012-04-15 (2 months) Entire DJB Other
[Pilus] Stolen Teachings Finished 2012-02-12 - 2012-03-12 (about 1 month) Battleteam Primus Pilus Other
[Pilus] Dire Secrecy Finished 2012-02-12 - 2012-03-12 (about 1 month) Battleteam Primus Pilus Other
[DGM] Revan No More Finished 2012-01-31 - 2012-02-29 (about 1 month) Entire DJB Other
[Pilus] Origins: Unrest Finished 2011-08-22 - 2011-09-01 (11 days) Battleteam Primus Pilus Other
[Pilus] Burn the Evidence Finished 2011-08-11 - 2011-08-18 (8 days) Battleteam Primus Pilus Other
[Reboot] Warrior Poet Finished 2011-01-31 - 2011-02-07 (8 days) Clan Plagueis Other
Day in the life of a Dark Jedi Finished 2010-07-09 - 2010-07-23 (15 days) Clan Plagueis Other
[HSK] Who’s that in there? Finished 2009-09-08 - 2009-09-30 (23 days) Entire DJB Other