Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report



Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr



If my Doctor knew i was sitting infront of my PC typing this (rather short) report, he'd kick my arse for sure! I am supposed to stay in my bed as standing up brings on dizzy spells and causes me to collapse :P It's very very frustrating and annouying >:P Going to the toilet is kinda difficult as i need help to get there (so i don't fall down the stairs or something).

Anyway....here goes for this week's (late) report.

House News.

For all the latest DB news visit: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

CSK Homepage : http://csk.minos.net/

CSK Main Forum : http://www.satalketo.net/mb/

Obelisk Website : http://www.minos.net/~obelisk/news.php

  1. Qua's leave.

Due to my illness i will be taking a weeks leave (plz bare in mind that me taking leave is rare). I will be able to answer any important mails, but i can only check them once a day until i am better. So please be patient. OBL Waza is in command until next Sunday.

  1. House Promo Guideline ammended.

OBL Waza this week updated the House promo guideline and sent it out for the House. I hope you all got it and have saved it somewhere for future refference.

  1. NEW Consul of CSK!!

Finaly Darkonian has been named as the CON of CSK! Still no PCON as of yet. But i am sure that he will select one soon enough. Congrats Gord ;)

  1. DB Independant Games 2003.

Remember you have until June 4th to compete in any of the events listed. Remember to send your submissions/scores/Graphics/fiction to the person running the event, and CC your summits.

House Activity.


OBM Waza - OBL


OBL Waza - CF

PRT Bane - CFx2 + Dark Cross (DC)

OW Arso - CF

ACO Nikko - CFx2

ACO Augustus - CF

SA Courses.






Aed Report


Greetings all;

New things going on as well as some current issues to address.

The House comps are coming to a close make sure you get your submissions in befor the dead line, its not my fault if you wait till the last minute & my mail box is full, I only have a 6mb limit so send often to make sure your submissions get counted.

I've not had many entries to the funny/cool screenshot comp. go through your files & see if you have something sitting you forgot about.

Just a reminder The Kirleta Comp Creation team has its own mail addy now [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

this is to make comp submissions easier for everybody!! add it to your address book, if anybody knows how to make it take mails larger than 1 mb let me know!!!!

Several medals given out this week congrats to all who got them.

House Kirleta Promo Guide

Nov. to ACO. complete history

ACO. - PRT. 3 training sessions with Master or Sargent & 3 cf's in #obelisk chan comps and 2 months in rank

PRT. - GRD. 5 training nights with Master or Sargent & 6 cf's in chan comps or 1st,2nd,3rd in house comp and 3 mo in rank

GRD.- JH. 1st or second in house comp & 7 training sessions with Master or Sargent or 20 cf in DB events 3 mo in rank

JH. - DKJ. 1st or 2nd place in official DB comps in #obelisk, 6 mo in rank; actively recruiting mebers. Play House summitt in matches in jk/jk2 to display your newly accquired ability in mastery of the force.

OW. & up please the CON & P:CON with activity

This is the new updated promo guide It will be posted on the comp site & otehr news places real soon.

The Kirelta comp site will be moving soon to Kai's server I will post the link as soon as I feel comfterble with the whole ftp set up. I have the page up but not the image gallery its still on tripod, I'll prolly publish the new site for the June comps to avoid to much confusion.

Thanks Gord!!!!

Vashino SGT

Welcome to another weekly...er...bi-weekly...nah...whenever-I-can-remember-the-fringgin-thing Vashino report!

DB news: Bunch of promos handed out, some interclub events going on, be there. It's a lot more satisfying to whup a rebel than another Dark Jedi. :) I myself will try to get my lame JK1 arse down there to be thrashed, so you should do the same. :P

Clan news: Dark in the new Consul! w00t! Drop him a line and congradulate him. Not much else going on in da CSK right now in terms of news. Make up planets, and submit them, and give us a place to live :P We only got two corvettes for possessions, so it's too crowded and smelly for us to stay like this.

House news: Az just did a report. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=3960 Normally, I'll try to get my report out before his, but atm, I have literally 6 AP project in RL iahve going, so I'm a little busy :P

Team stuff: Ok, very little input about the website. I know that we have more than three ppl on the team, people. :P if you don't care, I'll make a command desision, and decide myself.

Ok, new stuff: Our current motto is: "The Obelisk Fighters of the Darkest Souls" . I don't know about you guys, but this seems..well, lame. I like the Darkest Souls bit, but the rest isn't that great. How about "The darkest souls hide the most dangerous blades."? Or: "Only the shadows are faster."? or anything you guys can come up with. Send me mail!!

My AWOL policy: Ok, I myself cannot AWOL without permission. However, I can recommend. So, don't go AWOL. I'll be checking with Az to see who is on leave, and who is usually busy. If you don't show me any signs that you're alive, and you don't have a reason...be afraid. Be very afraid. :P

Not much else to report. Keep up to date, and I'll cya on IRC!

Dufar Jabar

JH Dufar Jabar (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto



Crimson Dawn SGT.

Nothing this week.


Repooooort time!

Yay, we were active. Yes, really! Awards:

Waza - CoF

Bane - CoF x

More of those will prolly come in due to the training night we had yesterday. Present were:






Active on IRC:




Nikko Aishea










Mailing list and Roster should be up to date, if you find any error, tell me. Also, Waza's site is moving to Kaiann's server, any updates on that? :o)



"To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you everyone else is to fight the hardest battle anyone can fight."

Respectfully Submitted.

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto.SB/(SC)/(SE-WG)/DC/(BN) {SA:G:LS-S:ISET} {KT}"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"

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