Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Main Report

First off, I sending out the report a day early, as I leave tommorrow for a bit of leave. I'll be back...Thursday at the absolute latest, though I might have internet access where I'm going, to check mail. As to goings on, not much to report. I continued to work on the new Phyle web site (, but it remains minimalist. Before anyone says anything, yes, I know there are broken links, I got called away before I could get the underconstruction pages up for those, and haven't found time since to do anything about it. The Phyle's AWOL check ends when I get back. Other then that...activity report follows.

Activity Reports

TET PRT Lorad Desms

  • Participation in IG Events 4, 6, 9, and 25

  • Particpated in weekly Saturday Training Event

  • Continued work on Phyle Website

  • IRC Presence

  • Wrote report

TYR Jordan McKell

  • No known activity. Jordan, please make sure I get some kind of notice when you do something, k?

TYR Jerroth Zakkorn

  • No known activity. Also, unless he responds, he's being AWOLed.

In Darkness,

PRT Lorad Desmos (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae/DC/Cr - 1S/CF/DSS

{SA: G:P1-G:P2-K:CORE-K:GS-O:Core-S:Core}

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