Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

*SHW Report *

As some of you lot have no doubt guessed I have not been around much lately.

This is down to three things.

Firstly (and most importantly) I was rushed into hospital with a stomach infection, it was serious but it has been dealt with thanks to the wonderful care I got from the NHS.

Secondly all of next week I have end of year exams.

Thirdly, I am moving house!

I have a new job in London, the job itself is very easy and will leave me LOTS of time to do DB stuff, (I will also have e-mail access 24-7) but moving is a pain in the ass.

There has been a lot of debating about what the Sith order is going to do in the future, this is something I welcome, if I put an idea forward, please think about it carefully and then give me your honast advice if you hate it tell me you hate it but also tell me why.

Any one with any suggestions for the Sith order please mail me.

In other news I have appointed John 'Backfire' Dhoh as SHW:M, Dhoh has already been doing lots of work for me so it seems only fair he gets the position.

His Fishness

SBL Predator

Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhoof

hehe...Congratulations John!

whereabouts in London?


Fleet fairly near Basingstoke

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