Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report


Well, there isn't more stuff than last time, although this report covers a

greater timespan...

I'm really writing this report not out of the necessety to write one, but

because I need to do some buisness...

more of this near the end... I advise you to read through the report in

order to get there...

[HPG]Rollmaster Report #2.5 - At the Request of summit members I'm nearing

the actual number of reports I have written...

Roster changes:

  • Mage has left us again - supposedly not for long, tho, since he will be

returning as soon as he can safely do so...

  • Novice Dace Xerxes joined us, and is added to the CNS list...

Medals & Other Awards:

  • Var Zoraan (Me! Me!) : CF

I don't seem to have anything else... blame it on someone else if there was

more :-)

Courses Passed:

None that I'd know of

Various' Issues:

Ever since I decided I was bored on Wednesdays things happened on Wednesdays

alone, so I put down that job...

I will be gone from this evening to Monday evening - concerts in Poland

await me, yay!

There probably is a lot of more stuff, but after whatching the Matrix

Reloaded double feature sneak preview thing last night and getting up early

in order to save my graduation (lots of paperwork got mixed up, and I might

just have had to stay in school for another year... bah...) I can't really

remember anything....

Except: Pheniox! I miss your reports! :-)

Var's Latin Lesson of the Week: Tu magister esse popare. (Yo, teacher, f#*%


Var's Reportly special: The one and only HPG AWOL CHECK

You are to check in to me, Raistlin AND J'rai within the next 2 weeks.  

This is mainly to determine who's still out there and who isn't... What  

will happen to those who don't reply will be completely up to J'Rai,

then... so better reply :P

DJK Var Zoraan (Obelisk)/RM/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow




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