IWATS Courses in DB Dossiers


IWATS Courses in DB Dossiers


I've added a new function that you can add your IWATS courses to your DB dossiers. All you got to do, is to forward your IWATS Passing E-mail to our Headmaster [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and he'll add it to your dossier.

Go to http://www.imperialacademy.org to take IWATS courses.

I hope that you'll enjoy this function as well. Take a look at my dossier to see a small example. I've only done 3 IWATS courses shame



Krath Archpriest ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar
Seneschal of the Dark Brotherhood

hmmm... Can we have courses that are already listed on another subgroup's profile (TieCorps) displayed on our DB Profile as well? :-P

I guess ;-)
If you can really prove it's your (for example) TC dossier.
In that case, mail the URL to your TC dossier to Mage

I go on leave, and all hell breaks loose. :P

You can just give me your TC PIN, and I can work from there... IWATS is designed so that you only have to take the courses once, and if you're in the TC at all, that's where you would display them.

Well, now we get 'em here, too. :P

...more work...

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