Aedile Report


Aedile Report


<title>AED Report</title> </head>

(#20) AED Report: 19 June 03

Hopefully this will be my last report that is headed as "AED Report". I know that SWL Gord Darkonian has revealed my new position as PCON, but I wouldn't feel right using the title until the change is made to the roster.

With that said, I must congratulate Aleema for her overall winnings in the Independence Games 2003. Aleema had 22 of the 29 placements for CSK, which I might add put us at #1 for the Clan standings...the closest Clan to CSK being Taldryan with 16. We certainly did well. Special thanks go out to DJM Arania who pulled in 10 placements personally.

There is a Clan Feud on the horizon between CSK and Arcona. Both Clans are making leadership adjustments right now, so the feud will be forthcoming.

FYI: I am currently working toward a "proper" introduction of myself to the other Houses. This Friday, Kirleta will be given the opportunity to destroy their new PCON in JK2 duels/battles for as long as I can stand being killed repeatedly - Next will be Galthain where they will do the same with XWA. Aleema will go last, and preferably when the ACC is up as there will be a "deathmatch" feature...if not, I am going to ask DJM Arania to host a Run-On entitled "Hunt for the PCON"...details to follow. There will not be any "bragging rights" so to speak, as I SUCK at JK2 and XWA - that is why Aleema goes last...we'll see if you can write better than me :)

ALEEMA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]

KP Enahropes new TET of AoD!!!!!!

KPN Kaiann new HM

KP Selket resigned (although, I'll just think of it as an extended hiatus)

** Medals/Awards**

Independence Games Awards (detailed list can be found here)

Cr-1D [x5] - DJM Arania Lawakiro

Cr-1D [x4] - KP Dalthid

Cr-1R - DJM Arania Lawakiro

Cr-1R [x3] - KP Dalthid

Cr-1R - KP Maradis Jenkar

Cr-1A [x4] - DJM Arania Lawakiro

Cr-1A [x2] - KP Dalthid

Cr-1A - PRT Dar en Kendrath

Cr-1E; Arcona NHNB Competition - PRT Mirei Seppen

** Promotions**

None this week.

** Courses**

None this week.

OTHER INFO: [Added comments]

Interclub Training Event; every Saturday @ 4pm EST. mIRC - #Outerrim on Undernet

There is a new DGM site up here, go check it out.

Departed: GRD Draco Aloran Caanis


<font size="2">Fiction</font><font size="2">: 'Judgement'

No restrictions

Submit to Arion ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by 30th June

Poem: 'The Seven Deadly Sins'

Restrictions: Must be seven verses. (This doesn't necessarily mean one sin per verse, unless you want). </font>

<font size="2">No restrictions on poem type or length of verses. </font>

<font size="2">The seven deadly sins = Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth

Submit to KPN Alanna ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by 30th June</font>

** BUCKET O' LINKS***<font size="2">: </font> *

  <font size="2">DB PA</font>](<font size="2">  

  [DB News Page](  

DB Message Board

CSK/Aleema MB's


  <font face="Verdana">
  [DGM Site](  


<font face="Verdana"> Krath Combat Center</font><font face="Verdana">


<font face="Verdana">Krath Order Site</font><font face="Verdana">

Dark Voice

</font>Some Links may be down, it's not my fault

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