Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey again, Mystics, and welcome to yet another rendition of my weekly Mystics report!

A little more noise happening around the Phyle this past week, with some actual e-mai passing through my inbox! Yay! Someone likes me! you guys should notice, I've sent a couple attachments to you people. One's a story that I wrote for the Exodus comp, and the other is my character history for the comp that I'M you may or may not recall.. You know, the one about getting to know you Phyle-mates better? If not, let me know, since I've gotta cut this short so that I can clear up the phone line......yeah, I'm on a dial-up...bah.

Anyways...we've got a message board! Yay me, for taking the time to e-mail Jac about it. You can find it at Now, go post!

And, just so people know...I was awarded this week, with a Crescent with an Amethyst Star, for placing third in the banner comp, held by the LCH, I do believe....yeah, I'm not too up on who ran what comp.. So, yeah...another shiney thing to add to my ID line.

Oh, and at the suggestion of Aari, I want to hear suggestions on times that we could all meet on IRC to talk about what's going on. So, any thoughts? Time of day, what day, should we meet weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? What channel? Tell me!

Well, that's it, Mystics. I'm off on a cruise this coming week, so I don't know what my online time's gonna be. I think they have internet on board, but I'm not sure. So, if you don't get anything from me in the coming week, then you'll know that I'm out of contact. So, see you in a week, Mystics!

Phyle Roster:

Battle Team Mystics of the Black Arts of Gladius

Battle Team Information:

House:  Gladius  




 Cave Adsum - Beware we are here  

Message Board:  


Order:  Krath  


 Priest Jason Hunter []  

Reports: | Krath Tetrarch (38) |

Battle Team Roster: Members

Name Email Rank

Krath Tetrarch Jason Hunter [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Priest

Krath Tyro Aari Nikus [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Archpriest

Krath Tyro Jaya Cypher [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro TBA

Krath Tyro Kryndath Del'chanar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Ciara Tearnan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Epis

Krath Tyro Kidouses [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Priest

Krath Tyro TBA

Krath Tyro TBA

Krath Tyro TBA

Krath Tyro TBA

Krath Tyro TBA

KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/TET/Gladius of Tarentum



SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai



--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001

Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --

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