Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Primus Goluud

Weekly Report #19

June 23rd, 2003

QUA: J`Rai

AED: Raistlin

RM : Var Zoraan

Ok, here's the deal. Because of the low-level of activity of practicially every member of this house, I am going to be flushing the roster. What does this mean for you? Well, you all have 2 weeks to participate in atleast 5 competitions. They dont' even have to be game-related, just participate. My weekly trivia competition is going to be put on hold for a bit while i sort out an error. Apparently, the CHAN or his staff doesn't like my awarding a DC for the first correct answer yet every previous medal request for a DC has been ok'd. It's screwy, so I'm going to email the CHAN and see what's goin on. Therefore, this comp doesn't count. Whatever comp you participate in, CC me, raist and Var with the details and your submission if you needed to submit something. If you don't do anything, you will be AWOL'd. Raist, I know you are on a semi-leave until the end of June, so that's why I've waited until now to do it. You'll have plenty of time to do stuff if you return when you said you would. :)

So you've got 2 weeks from today to participate in atleast 5 competitions, otherwise, you're gone from the house. Apoc, since you just came back, you only have to do 3, you're activity isn't bad yet. :P

I will do what I can to provide you guys with comps, but don't just rely on me or the house. Participate in DB-wide comps as well. I'm sure there are plenty.

Aedile Report:

on leave

should be back in full by the end of June, let's hope so :P

Again. And again. And AGAIN! Woot!

[HPG]Rollmaster Report #5 - No email + some news = small report with no sending by list!

All Important stuff:

All I know is that I was promoted to OW. Woot! Go me! ;)

Various' Issues:

Bah. No email this week. Guess what: It's broken. Should be up again soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. Catch me on IRC if you need s.th.

Var's Latin Lesson of the Week:

Nothing here. Watch further down!

Var's Reportly special:

POLL: What Language Lessons would you like to see in my reports? send to the list, I can read them there...

Please stick with languages using Latin Letters. Thank you :)

OW Var Zoraan (Obelisk)/RM/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow



Dark Angels Brigade Report:

Well my little angels nothing new this week. the artisians comp is now over and i dont think anyone submitted anything. so i once again offer a dark cross to the member who sends me Something. Also i am working on a new competion it will be a writeing competion were I will give you the first part of a story and you have to complete the story. Who ever comes up with the best ending gets something pretty to add to there wardrobe. well i think i will end this report now since no one reads them anyway.



Var promoted to OW, yay!



Courses Taken:



DarkApocalypse rejoins us from the rogues, welcome back!


the HPG store is going to put on hold for a while. I neither have the time, nor the web-programming skill to deal with it as I'd like to. And Malik, who I appointed as the new Store Manager, hasn't done diddily-shit for it. I don't blame him though, it's alot to work with and I haven't really gotten much enthusiasm about it. So yeah, that's on hold too. I don't know for how long though.


Clan Artisans Competition is over. As far as I know, noone from HPG except me submitted. Shame shame.

Weekly Obelisk Comps can be found at the Obelisk Order website


Participate in 5 comps in the next 2 weeks or your gone. Simple as that.

Trivia on hold for now. Keep checking for nifty shiznit.

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