Aedile Report


Aedile Report

OW Arso Slyth Reporting in.

General News

A couple major things happened in the DJB this week:

There has been a change in the orders to expand the official games that we play. Go to for all the news on that.

There have been a good many polls happening in the DJB polling center, make sure you log into your dossier and vote, so your voice can be heard.

Two new courses have been added to the shadow academy. Go check them out at take some of the new courses, and take some of the older ones as well if you have not, maybe have some fun and do the krath course (/sarcasm).

House News

We have two new people:

GRD Mal'ari'carun

PRT Volant

Let's all welcome them to their new home in Kirleta.

Also lets give a congratulations to Wet Willy for his nwe place as Aedile in Galthain. I know he will do a good job.


Lots of things to do:

There is the recruitment competition. Go out and recruit new people to Kirleta. Awards are awaiting you at every corner. Go and camp out on the zone and see if you can recruit anyone, or go to random servers and see if you can talk to people. Or even make a copy of jk2 and give it to a friend and tell him the only way he gets it is if he joins the brotherhood.

The CTF competition is still on, email a team to the KCCT and await further instructions

And finally the run-on, go to the message board and add you part of the story.

Also take screenshots and send them to the PCON, Dalthid. It is the first part of his two part competition.

And don't forget to check the DJB site daily for updated competition news and other various announcements.

Final Words

There is plenty to do, so get on the ball. Come join us in #csk for a little chat if you have the time. Have a good week and lets all try to do something good for the house.

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