Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

HPG Weekly Report #22

QUA: J`Rai

AED: Raistlin

SGT: Pheniox


Ok, we've been inactive too long and the fact that none of you have submitted to my writing comp in the first week makes me think you never will. This is just a small example of the inactivity of this house and I am quite upset at it. Therefore, if I don't get some sort of response from you, either in the form of a pre-db story submission, or more then 1 JK1/JK2 match, then I will be forced to AWOL the entire house, including members of the summit. We're supposed to be a group having fun and playing games and all that, but I honestly haven't seen anything come from this house in a while. I admit I haven't been the most active, but I've tried. I submitted to the artisan's competition and took home 3 medals. I've done 1 or 2 courses at the SA. I've been working on a new website, and I have been trying to get you guys motivated. There is 1 week left to submit for the story competition, if you don't submit, I guarantee you will be AWOL'd. If I have to get rid of the entire house, so be it. I will do what I have to do to get rid of dead weight. Raist and Pheniox, this goes for you guys to. Don't think that b/c you're in the summit that you're exempt from the AWOL'ing, you're not. I know you guys have your reasons for not being all that active, and I think I've been nicer then I should be regarding your positions and the conflict of time from your RL responsibilities. But I have to draw the line somewhere.


You have several competitions that you can participate in. There's the Pre-DB story comp that I am running and there are plenty of weekly JK1/JK2 tournaments that I think are still running. Hell, even if they're not, you can still challenge someone for a friendly match just to keep your skills from getting rusty.


A short report b/c absolutely nothing has happened. I'm angry at this, and quite disappointed. I'm not forced to be in this club, and neither are you. I'm sure we all joined for the same reason: to have fun. We can't have fun if nothing gets done. If I'm going to be the only one doing things, then I'm going to AWOL the entire house and make me the only member. Sure I'll get my ass kicked in almost every feud and GJW, but atleast the house participation would be at 100%, something that hasn't happened since I became Quaestor.


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