Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


<title>PCON Report</title> </head>

(#5) PCON Report: 21 July 03

Hidey Ho CSK. It's time once again for the PCON report. I must say that I am quite stoked this week to see the many reports that have been posted on the groups...that's a good thing. There are, of course, some folks who decided not to do 'em...but I'm sure there wasn't anything worth reporting over there anyway. For those of you who have been doing them, don't forget to post them on

For those of you who have noticed the reports contain various information that pertains to you. You should NOT be asking about competition details, promotions or current developments if you have not read the report. Read 'em, that's what they're there for. The response from leadership to your inquiries should be..."did you read the report?"

Well, I finally got SWG on Friday. I have been playing it...and I suck! I have no idea what's going on and no one will help me...waaaa! So, "was it worth the 50 bones?". Yea, it was actually...the graphics alone are worth the dough. The game play is much like the other MMORPG's from what I have seen. Although I have NEVER played any other games like this...which is why I suck! It looks like it could be a lot of fun for someone who has at least an inkling of how to game in this type of environment...unfortunately, that's not me :)

The System Competition is going submit your ideas. Information can be found here. ( There have been 11 submissions so far (mostly multiple submissions)...that's not too good with over forty people in CSK. QUA's/AED's the CON and I expect your support with this...or, inevitably, we will decide in what capacity the system exists :)

**Arcona vs. CSK **is going to happen soon. Its a feud folks!!! House leaders...start rousing the dead, encouraging the active and get everyone rallied, I wanna see nothing but snot bubbles coming from the noses of the Arconan's when we bash 'em!

The ACC is open! Go make your Character Sheet and battle! Aleema - we WILL be using the ACC for the feud!

ALEEMA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]

KAP Gryffon De'Urtha selected as Aleema AED.

** Medals/Awards**

Cr-1A: GRD Xehr--1st Place PCON Competition

Cr-1E: GRD Xehr--1st Place House Aleema Competition

Star of Eos (Antei) Awarded to GRD Xehr:

The request was made by: KAP Dalthid (Krath)

Reason given for request:

PRT Xehr has just been recommended for a promotion, but that does not

begin to reward his efforts. So, I am also recommending a Star of Antei

for his unparalleled drive and dedication. He has far surpassed the stages

of "being active" and has flung himself headlong into being "the example"

of what a Clan member should be. He has put himself at the helm of

activity within his House and it would be a travesty to let him go

unrewarded. Please consider this as a token of my appreciation, and an

incentive to keep leading the way.

Congratulations GRD Xehr!!! Good Job!!!

LS: GRD Phage - Submission of Trivia

** Promotions**

Xehr has been elevated to Guardian (GRD)

** Courses**

Krath Poetry - GRD Xehr

Krath Core - GRD Xehr

KIRLETA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]

Vashino's Report is out.

** Medals/Awards**

CF: OW Tatsu Kogarasu - OHC Cup

CF: OBL Waza Sunrider; GRD Bane - Interclub Training Night

** Promotions**


** Courses**


GALTHAIN INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]

Reports are out. Remember to CC your leaders with activity!

Galthain Summit is in place and new promotion guidelines are being worked.

** Medals/Awards**


** Promotions**


** Courses**


OTHER INFO: [Added comments, DB events]

Obelisk ranks above DJK are being renamed.

Interclub Training Event; every Saturday @ 4pm EST. mIRC - #Outerrim on Undernet

** BUCKET O' LINKS***<font size="2">: </font> *

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OHC Site

Dark Voice


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