Consul Report


Consul Report

Dark dudes and dudettes,

Just a couple of minor changes this week. :P

The new Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco is… not officially announced yet as CoFo hasn't updated the Roster. Doh! But if you have been in #Scholae at all then you will already know who it is. Congratulations go to Lorad Desmos! As you all know, Lorad is Uber-active and puts the rest of us to shame with the amount of great work he does. I'm sure as QUA of HAD he will make us all look a lot smaller again. :P

The Quaestor position of House Caliburnus is open to applications. Should you know any good Sith, go kick their arses and get them to apply.

I would like you all to know that it pained me to remove two people who I count as friends from these positions, but only for a brief second. I need people as Quaestors who are dependable and willing to do a job to the best of their abilities. Corde and JKast are more than willing, but currently less than dependable due to specific reasons. With the Clan in the position that it is, I need people as QUA who are dependable and willing to do a job to the best of their abilities right here and right now. Sorry to do this to you while you're away, guys, but I gave you the chance.

(Khan has an open Sith QUA slot as well, but we don't care about House Ziost, only Caliburnus).

As well as all this crap that's going on, Aklen and myself have been doing the website. He sent me a copy of the page he was doing and it's excellent. I'll be sending him 15 (or so) pages of text to slap into it, once I get it all finished off covering all sorts of CSP nonsense, past and present. There will also be an archive section, so if you have anything you want included such as stories, levels or skins, send them to me.

Other stuff,

Kaine Mandaala wants to know what the name of the Dark Voice should change to.

The Antei Combat Centre is now open -

And apparently Knights of the Old republic is out in the shops in YankLand...

CSP Invitational Competition.

Yeah, I know the competitions should be posted below in the comps section, but this one is too big for you all to miss.

Mage has launched a two tier competition for Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast which will run for the whole of August. There is a whole bundle of award to be passed out for this, so check all the details at and get your JK and JO games dusted off in preparation.

The Jacomeister has posted the new Order details on If you haven't looked at them they can be found at this link: . All the Consuls and DC'ers have been speaking about this constantly over the past couple of weeks, but the main change is that most DB competitions are not going to be Order specific. Yes, it may be FPS based and run by an Obbie, but that does not mean that Krathies and Sithites are not allowed to play. If you need any more details on what the full extent of the changes entail, are worried about the direction your Order is going in, then let me know and I will do all I can to clear all matters up.

Crap that'll be at the bottom of all my reports:

IRC: should you not have an IRC program, let me know and I will tell you how to download it and install it and then run it so that you can speak to the rest of us happy little cyber-geeks. Channel #Scholae is now being used by us.

The official DB JK2 server up and running. How cool? The IP is, and the password is dbpimps. More information can be found at but if you need any help connecting and stuff, I'll explain it to you.

Important Links:

Clan Scholae Palatinae Web Page:

Clan Scholae Palatinae Message Board:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood:

Dark Side Compendium:

Vision and Mission Statement:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Rules:


Clan Competition - Dark Jedi Pick-Up Line Contest!!

This one is being run by Talarak, and the point is to… well… that kinda speaks for itself doesn't it. The Pantless Wonder is yet to grace us with the results, and so I am not able to ask for the awards. Come on, dude...

Inter-Club Training Event - Cool!

Mav has organised a training event which should become a regular event. Part of this will be the clubs we have allied with, the Star Vipers and the Rebel Squadrons being the main ones, but there are a few others too. What is going to happen is that on Saturday May 17th at 4pm EST (think that's 9pm GMT) in Undernet channel #Outerrim there will be loads of other people waiting to take part in every multiplayer Star Wars game you can think of. This is not supposed to be a competition, but is there for gaming and fun. Check out all the details at

Krath Monthly Topics:

Even through they are Krath MT's, you Sithies and Obbies can do them too, and it would be good to see you do them. This months topic for the fiction is to write an agony aunt stylee email about Jedi problems you're having, and is to be sent to Alanna ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) whereas this month's poetry is to be about a Prophecy, either ancient or modern, and is to be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Fight Nights!

A series of JK competition nights have been worked out by the Shadow dude, full details on the news page so it's easier for you to read it from there instead of my adding it here. The best way to get into a fight (apart from stealing my alcamahol supplies) is to sit in the Obelisk channel on IRC (funnily called #Obelisk) and shout at people until they fight you.

KE Cuchulain (Krath)/CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae


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