Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Qel-Droma

Aedile report #13


Lookie!!! It' luck 13! Yaaay! So here's it's my 13th report, a bit earlier than usually, just because I want to be first before Jimmy in this one, so bite me. :P   

The biggest news of a day.. JIMMY get a promo!!!! Woohooo, he's an EPIS!! Congrats Jimmy. :-)  You're doing great, on so many positions! As P:SCL, Webmaster in ACC, and now acting Combat Master, and what's more, you're our Quaestor! So many duties and only one man! You absolutelly deserved for this promotion, Jimmy, we are proud of you :-D   

Consul Mejas Doto is on leave, till the sunday or monday. I heard something about wedding, but I'm not sure if it is HIS wedding, or he was invited on someone's else wedding... anyway, there's something connected with wedding :P Mleh dunno, he will be back after the weekend though!    

If you recieved this report in two copies, it's ok, cause I sent it to both, QD and Arcona e-groups. If in one, means you're not in the Arcona one. So send mail to:  And Mejas will add you once he's back.   


  1. Antei Combat Centre is working!!! This is one awesome thing. Sign up and fight!!! heheheh. Krissy Omega already won a combat!! GREAT work girl! Keep it up!! Arc got a fight with Leara and it IS very interesting one, go and read it!! I really liked it. :-) I have my initation fight myself. It already started to, sign up for ACC, and later you can challange yours Aedile! And try to win :-) heheh!!

  2. Strategos is BACK! Wheee, welcome back mate! Hope your vacation was uber cool and now you can continue to lead Prophecy! Also thank to Xuthen, who was running the phyle during Strat's leave. Now she went on leave, however she didn't tell me when she plans to come back.

  3. A feud against Clan Satal Keto is about to come!!! Be ready!

  4. FINALLY the awards for Prophrcy competition arrived. Congrats go to Frost for taking the first place and his medal, Cr-E, and Haste black for taking the second place and receiving a Cr-T.

  5. Character Archives. I still collect your DB's characters pictures, so send it over ! Below, in roster section, I'll tell who gets cookies for this one. :P Oh and as soon as Kris will come up with what I asked her for, we will start to build the webs!! w00t. :P

  6. We have gained one member but also lost one. WELCOME to NOV Enillias!!! And goodbye to Halc's clone Oscar :P


CSP Invitation Competition.

Competition hosted by CON Cooch, from CSP, but it's open for entire DB.

The Deepest Desire.

It's a competition host by myself. I requested it yesterday, it's still pending for revieq, but it should be approved within a day or two, so here you go:

Guess those lyrics!

This thingy hosts by our great hula dancer, ermm.. HOO Quaestor Haycon.. :)

July's KMT

This time competitions set by Krath High Priestess Alanna.

"Cannabisia's Business Unusual!"

Some crazy competition hosted by Blade himself.. umm check it out here:


Epis Alex

Epis Anshar Kahn - cookie

Epis Azazel DjoTarr - cookie

Epis D'hak

Epis JaM3z Lucius Entar - muffin for getting a promo, but also a slap for not sending his character picture!!

Epis Korbane Ashoka

Archpriest Frost - cookie

Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar

Archpriestess Tissaya Luna Argat - cookie

Archpriest Trent Sterling

Priest Xizor

Dark Jedi Knight Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler - cookie and a hit from oak paddle for being late with his report. :P

Dark Jedi Knight Konrad Von Drakenhof Entar - cookie

Dark Jedi Knight Krona

Dark Jedi Knight Leara - cookie

Dark Jedi Knight Lillie Hawke Entar

Jedi Hunter Ktulu Mizheray

Jedi Hunter Strategos - candy

Jedi Hunter Xander Torrent

Guardian CP

Guardian Xuthen i-Sa'onserei

Protector Alex Draconis Entar - muffin for the picture & great idea of competition which should be up and running soon

Protector Dalk Darklighter

Protector Kandos Katarn - cookie

Protector Kris Omega - Apple pie!! For a victory in ACC!! & picture for Archives

Protector Kurzed

Protector Oscar - hit with oak poddle for drawing back the clone... ACTIVE clone. :P

Acolyte Haste black

Acolyte Jandos Phyleus Kalinor

Novice Enillias - lembas... welcome in QD!

Novice Haztix 'W0kkity' Fenns Entar

Novice Homura Omega

Novice Morgan

Final word

Once again grats to Jimmy on his promo :-) and now.. go fight in ACC!!!!!!!


Krath Archpriestess Tissaya Luna Argat

House Qel-Droma Aedile of Clan Arcona

Eclectic Pedagog of Dark Jedi Meditation Studies




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