Combat Academy Location Update


Combat Academy Location Update

Just so everyone's aware...

The Shadow Academy is officially now located on the Undernet at #ShadowAcademy - although, X status isn't assured yet.

Hopefully, the registration will go through nice and clean.

All Combat Academy classes will now run out of #ShadowAcademy - so make a note!

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="center">Obelisk Battlelord Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy OBL Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council [GMRG: INI]



hey Mage!
You're posting lots of stuff on the news :P

Don't you just love it when people use the site for more than just reports?? :D

CG - That's what it's here for. :P

Pyro - Good to know someone likes it... most people whine and complain about having to check the site more than once monthly because of me. :P

I never said that I mind...
I just noticed that the lasts posts were all from you :P

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