Aedile Report


Aedile Report

| House Galeres Report|

Welcome to another report, weeeee. I want to say good

job and thanks to those of you who have been playing

for us in the Feud, your efforts will be rewarded.

Special notice goes to Syn Kaek who just won us 30

points in about a half hours time.

  • Clan Feud

Play play play! I cannot stress the importance of your

participation in this Vendetta. There are many ways to

participate; you can play JK or JO against CSKers, put

a bit of ink on the quill and write a contribution to

the run-on, or submit any kind of Feud related

graphic. Even if all you have is Microsoft Paint (like

me!) and can do nothing more than stick figures

holding green blobs (lightsabers), submit! You can

still earn us points. Feud website:

  • Cannabisia's Business Unusual Competition

Alright, after a few weeks delay all medals should

have been rewarded. If you did not recieve your

Crescent or Dark Cross and you submitted in some way,

please let me know so I can make sure you get your


  • Galeres Website

Xiphias was kind enough to grant me access to the

House Galeres website, so be sure to check it out. I

only send reports out once a week, so if you want to

get an earlier grasp of information I'll be posting it

on the website as soon as I know about it. Unfinished

sections (rankings, training) will be completed soon.

The website is linked off our roster on the main Dark

Brotherhood page:

  • Galeres Website - Rankings

You may have noticed an empty "rankings" section on

the Galeres website, that will soon change. Rankings

will be an alternate roster page showing each and

every Galeres members' win/loss ratio related to any

sort of competition. Rankings will be reset every

month or so, and the person with the best win/loss

ratio at the end of said month will recieve a House

Level 1'st Place Crescent! Sort of a built-in House

Ladder with a kick. Any official competition win/loss

will be shown on the rankings page. Non-competition

matches (ie.a friendly JO match for nothing more than

fun) will not.

  • Grand Master's Royal Guard

That's right, it's up and running! The GMRG features

the following game platforms: Jedi Knight / Jedi

Outcast / X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter / X-Wing Alliance. If

you own any of those games and think you're good

enough to fight alongside some of the best multiplayer

gamers the DB has to offer, contact Commander of Guard

Halcyon and ask for a tryout! Halc's email:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • DB Unreal Tournament Guild

A member named Flech is looking for people who are

interested in being a part of an Unreal Tournament /

UT2003 Guild. It is an extention of the DB, and is

there for those of us who get sick and tired of

standard Star Wars games now and again. Want to play

UT / UT2k3 for the DB? Contact Flech and tell him

you'd like to signup! Fleches email:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • CSP Invitational / OHC Cup / Interclub Training


CSP Invitational...challenge anyone you want at JK or

JO for a CSP Invitational match. Report it using the

"report match" option on the website, and earn lots of

Crescents regardless if you win or lose. OHC Cup...if

you made it to the finals, good job! I myself will be

competing there for a spot on the OHC Cup Trophy. I

expect good competition to come out of this house...we

being the best the DB has to offer and all. :) And

Interclub Training Event is still going on every

Saturday. Don't remember the exact time, I usually go

in there around 2 PM Pacific Time and find matches

galore. The ITE is your chance to fight members of

other clubs (ie. Rebel Squadrons) in JK and JO

matches! Clusters of Fire are rewarded for every win,

or every 3 losses. Takes place in #OuterRim

  • IRC Conduct

Everyone in this House has shown an exemplary job on

how to act on IRC. I myself have not however. It's

important to understand that no matter how much you're

getting ragged on, never say something to another DBer

that can truly offend them IRL. It may feel good at

the time, but your best bet is to just flip them the

bird and leave IRC for a bit...or just leave IRC. :P

  • Galeres Mailing List

I invited everyone in the House...join! If you don't

you won't get to see exclusive House Galeres emails

sent directly to the mailing list. Those of you who

havent subscribed by the next week will recieve

another invitation to join the group. Important guys!

  • Conclusion

Alrighty, I think that's it? There's more a could

report, but that's all covered in Mejas' weekly Clan

Reports. Take care peeps,

JH Cannabisia (Obelisk)/AED/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG:GRD]

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