Another New Toy ;)


Another New Toy ;)

Hey everybody,

A new feature has been added again. Maybe you've already noticed a new item in the navigation menu: recruitment center
Just click on it and see for yourself :P

Further I want if anybody has a nice idea for the website, to place a comment with the idea on this news item or to mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].


Wow Cybey! This is a summit's dream brother! There's only one thing that I would like to see, though I'm not complaining because this has saved my hours already. To be able to view the apprentices grouped by Order would make things even quicker! Or (I'm afraid to even go this far) even to be able to hit one link and mail all individuals in one order collectively. However, even if neither of these things made their way to the page, it's still one of the most useful and welcome additions to come to this site that I've ever seen. A personal "THANK YOU" my friend, and keep up the outstanding work!

KP Page Meridian/QUA/Aleema of CSK

Man if you mail all of the Apprentice's at once you're gonna scare em off. Cause if that's as easy as clicking a button on the site then EVERYONE will. I think for the sake of spam email and preventing people from acting stupid you should NOT add that feature.

Gotta agree with Jacen on this one...

I already added the e-mail addresses to the list, but I won't make it easier...

This is a great feature and more superb work from our man ^Cyberguy^!!!

A few comments to make:
1) Perhaps their could be a new member centre function where ANYONE, not just newbies, can put themselves up for offers of recruitment. Perhaps people fancy a change and depending on how good the offers are they can help make a decision??? Just a thought....

2)I'd like to agree that having the members split into Orders, then listed by Rank and then Name alphebetically would be good.

3)Are there still limitations on the number of members you can try to recruit in a week? I know that recruitment rulings changed under Firefox and Astatine, but if there are still only X amount of members you can mail per week - can it be reiterated? Thanks!

I simply can not agree with this function. With the assimilation of the Evnoys into the Shadow Academy, and the current debate i believe is still going on, this information should ONLY be available to the future select envoys.....and even then, they should ONLY see a very small portion of the group as assigned by whomever will administrating and assigning new recruits to the envoys.

Displaying EXACTLY the audience anyone who would make an attempt at recruiting is counterproductive for this reason: The apprentices get alienated by hundreds of recruiting emails - since the newbies are the most likely to still be active and have any motivation or energy to complete the SA and be drafted by various clans. I would venture that this system (for this reason) may actually be deleterious to getting people through training into the DB. I've got a MoI-DC through the EH, and I can safely say I have experienced first hand that a lot of people you email with direct recruiting messages get highly annoyed, and almost get turned off to the idea of joining.

This option is available to the entire DB now, and people who simply don't know how to use discretion will abuse this system. Again, that is why the Envoys will get smaller lists similar to this. Envoys will ideally know how to recruit, how to use restraint, and how NOT to alienate new members.

Again, I think this option should be turned off until a finalized, agreed-upon proposal is laid out for the Envoys under the SA. Even then, like i said, they will only receive a small list that they may recruit for their clan. This prevents MASS e-mailing by different individuals unless you REALLLLLY want to search through thousands of APPs and find out when they recently joined - which takes a ton of work - more than most people are willing to put forth.

I've closed the Recruitment Center because of several negative comments I've had.

I'll tell you all when I've spoken with the rest of the DC about this and tell you what we shall do with the center.


I think it is a good thing to have. But I like Pyr's idea - while not necesarily the Envoys, maybe one person per House would be assigned to recruit new members, as to avoidn spam.

BTW, the reason I originally asked CG to do this was because my clones kept getting recruiting mails from the same people who obviously forgot who they mailed before. It's calmed down now, but it got awfully annoying.

I like the idea, but it should be made that only one mail can be sent to each APP from each House/Clan and Houses can recruit only members that match their order. (Ideally, this would be restricted to leaders - TET, QUA, AED, Clan Summit - and Envoys to prevent low-ranked members from using it to send half-assed or even negative mails against their summit's wishes).

As it happens, CG, I have quite the list of beneficial database changes... :P

As for this entire plan - on the surface, it looks good, but as we are setting the Envoys up to serve an almost-identical function, this seems fairly redundant.

I think this is a great idea. i`d love to be able to see new recruits in one place even sorted by order, but i don't think everyone being able to click a button and email them all at once.

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