Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Saitou walked forward and stepped up to the podium that is reserved for the House Summit of Acclivis Draco. It had been a long time since he had stood there. He remembered standing at the now vacant area reserved for the Aedile and could remember standing there next to Michael Halcyon. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Fellow Krath of Acclivis Draco, I stand before you now as your Quaestor. I see many new faces, the ranks of the house have changed, but the spirit still lingers. We are a house of great pride and are the true first Krath of the Dark Brotherhood. Our time for ascendency has returned. We shall take our rightful place in the Order once more."

Saitou waited for the cheers to subside then began to speak once more.

"You were called here in formal robes not only for my return to the summit, but for the rise of another Dark Jedi. Priest Vally Tamalar, step forward. I hereby appoint you as the next Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak. You are to teach them the ways of the Dark Side and make them into the respected members that the Brotherhood has come to expect of HAD."

As the cheers subsided once more, Saitou followed the house to the cantina where he bought a round of drinks for all.

Dark Greetings fellow members of HAD,

I am happy to say that I am now your Quaestor. I would never dream of taking such a position other than in this glorious House. Now it is time to have some fun and show the DJB what we are truly made of!

First order of business is that I will re-open the position of Rollmaster. Details are below.

Rollmaster - This job is often overlooked in its importance. It is not a command position, but does serve a very important role. The Rollmaster keeps track of the members of HAD and their basic details. To make it clear, the Rollmaster keeps a copy of the House roster on his computer and makes sure his copy is up to date at least weekly. The RM will keep a record of member's names, emails, and dossiers. The DB has sufferred from two unfortunate incidents where it was necessary to use these backups to rebuild the database or been in severe danger of needing it. I will keep a close eye on the RM and can train him/her. There is no minimum rank to apply. Send applications to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] My decision will be made by Sunday.

Next order of business is House information. I believe the House is in need of a new motto and webpage. We can discuss the possibility of a new motto on our message board (http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=25) and anyone interested in creating a website should contact me. Assistance in this matter will be rewarded.

Recruitment! If you know anyone who likes Star Wars and writing, then be sure to tell them about House Acclivis Draco! I just told two people at a Cafe I usually go to about here and they seemed interested (hopefully they'll join). So go out and get more members for HAD!

Now for competitions. I havent gotten any competitions approved or in line for DGM Jac to look at, but I do have some ideas for you to consider.

Graphics -- Vally has suggested that we have some graphics for our House. I couldnt agree more! Try to create graphics for the QUA/AED/RM/TET and the House and Phyles overall. If you are really into it, consider making a graphic for members to use personally. I will make this into a competition if I hear any interest.

ACC - the Antei Combat Chamber. This is a great way to get involved in a DB-wide activity. It will make our House well known and will make YOU well known if you participate. I've already seen the ins and outs of it and can help you along if you need any assistance. Dont delay, go join the ACC today! (Subscribe through the admin options on the main djb.org website)

I will be working on House competitions very soon, but feel free to give me suggestions if you have any ideas or want to do anything specific. Dont be afraid of me, I'm here to help you guys out.

Normally I'd post transfers/medals/promotions here, but as I just got Quaestor... I'm not sure about what the whole house has gotten. But here is what I do know:


Serphe -> ACO (yo go girl!)


Kschamehellan -> Cr-Q for winning the Ebon Cloak competition

Vally -> Cr-A for 2nd place KMT (yay for representing HAD at the Order Level)

Hopefully I didnt miss anything. Well that is all for this week's report. Expect reports to go out every Friday, unless Consul Desmos wants me to send them another day. Later my Krathies!

Quaestor Saitou

Squirrel Master and old HADler

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