Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yep, Saturday has rolled around once again. You know what that means: REPORT TIME!

Couple promotions this week, and they're big ones. So, mondo congrats to the following!:

-KAP Aari Nikus, who is now an Epis!

-KP Kudos, who's now an Archpriest!

Congrats to the both of you, on your well-deserved promotions! Hopefully, I'll be able to mention others next week!

A few SA courses were passed this week, with Ma'arkhan passing ICQ, and Bron Kasara passing Dark Jedi Meditation. Good job, both of you.

Also, a few medals were handed out for comps this week. Dranik got a CF for winning some matches in the JO WoW. Zhada Shorkan was awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star, Ma'arkhan got a Topaz Star for his Crescent, and I got a Quartz Star, all for our respective placings in Spears' recent Mystics' graphics comp. And, Salvor Hardin got a Star of Antei for passing 9 IWATS courses before the Split. So, congrats to everyone mentioned!

Spears is still running his AWOL check. So, if you havn't reported in, and if you still want to be in Gladius, let him know.

My "Gods of Gladius" comp ended yesterday. Sadly, I only recieved two submissions. I'll be going over them, and I'll get the medal requests in hopefully by tonight or tomorrow.

In other news...as you probably know, my laptop is out of comission for the time being. I took it over to BestBut today but, since my warranty papers and sales receipt are back home in Washington, they can't do anything while I'm down here. So, I won't be doing any writing or gaming for a couple weeks...unless my parents mail my papers down, or something.. So, yeah. I'll keep you guys updated. And, thanks to those who've given their little recommendations on how I can fix it myself. It's really helpful.

Well, that's about all I can think of for this week. If I missed anything, don't hesitate to let me know. So, until next time, have a fun, safe, and productive week!

KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]



SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai



--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001

Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --

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