Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yay! Report time again! Now, I can finally free up some space in my inbox...

More promotions and such this week, so, without further delay...

This week saw the elevation of Dranik to the rank of Protector! Congrats!

Sorry, that's the only promotion to cross my desk. But, as Sithie's said in his past few reports, there should be more on the way...I just hope of those is for me. :D

Anyways...on to medals. I've been seeing quite a few medals being awarded lately...that's a good sign: means that you guys are becoming active again! Keep it up! I like activity...makes me feel like I'm doing my job.

Anyways, medals!

-Dranik, Storm and Kudos were all awarded Crescents for their relative placings in the recent Musical Jedi comp held by Telona in the Keepers.

-Dranik and Anshar were both awarded Dark Crosses, for proposing a Free-Form RPG. Good work, you two! It's nice to see a Master and Apprentice working together like this, bringing about new ideas for the betterment of the Brotherhood. Keep it up!

Well, that's all the medals and promotions this week. But, I still have a couple things left to address..

Firstly, I've got another comp that starts today. With the opening of the House store, I'm in need of a House logo, insignia, whatever you want to call it. Basically, between now and the first of November, you have to design and create the new insignia for Gladius. I don't want to see anything with character pics in it...nothing like what the DB has as the enter screen for the main website. Something like the Clan insig, or the Krath Talisman that's posted in a few places in the DSC. A decent, 2- or 3D image made in Photoshop will suffice. If you've got any questions, please direct them towards me.

Next, something that some might see as being unnecessary, or even just flat-out stupid. I've been QUA for a couple months or so now...and, as I've done as a Flight Leader, Squadron Commander and TET, I'm always curious as to whether people think I'm doing a good job or not. So, I want each of you to take a minute or two, and tell me what you think of my tenure as QUA so far. If you like what I've been doing, say so. If you don't agree with how I've been running the House, don't hesitate to say. Also, if you've got any ideas or pointers on what I could do better, please, include them.

Anyways...uh...not much else I can think of. The AWOL check's still going on, I think...until the end of the month, I believe. So, if you havn't reported in yet and still want to be in Gladius, send a quick e-mail to either me or Spears. If you don't want to stay...you could either remain quiet, or tell us so. Believe me, saying you don't want to stay makes the process so much easier...

Well, that's about it, I believe. If you're in a Phyle, make sure to check in with your TETs, asking for ideas on what to do...I'm sure Telona and Ciara wouldn't mind putting you to work. :p

Oh, speaking of TETs....Telona's on leave for a few days. So, if you're in the Keepers(formerly the Wizards) and you need something, talk to me...that's part of my job, afterall.

Ok, I'm done now. As always, have a fun, safe and productive week!

KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]



SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai



--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001

Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --

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