Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Our new AED is OT Kell Wraith. A big congratulations goes out to him, also he is on LoA for the next two weeks. So of course I will be in charge.

We have a new member, welcome NOV Draynor!

A new version of the Dark Voice is out. Go check it out at http://www.taldryan.org/dv/index.php The Dark Voice is the official newsletter of the Dark Brotherhood.


There are none taking place right now, but I have one in the works that will take place over two week span. Also the battleteam leaders should be starting some competitions themselves for their teams.

QUA Notes

I apologize for my lack of emails lately. I usually try to email all of you once a week to check up. But unfortunely I have been swamped with school work. The next couple weeks will be smooth sailing. Hope everyone else is doing good in school. That's my main goal this semester is to get that coveted 4.0.

Till then.

OT Arso Slyth (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto

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