Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

As you all should know I've moved into an apartment over the weekend. Funny thing I found out, there are two phone outlets but only one as a connection jack in it. Of course the one I was going to hook the computer up to has that missing one. So I've got to try to get through to the phone company and do all the bs involved in getting someone out here to fix that. I'm on my laptop at the moment but everything I need is on my desktop. Nice...

Phyle happenings and gossip!

Oh my! The TET is actually using a different report format! Yup, I'm out of the stone age of reporting and have moved into the bronze age. I'm hoping to make it to the space age at some point in time.

Medals were rewarded to a few people. I love awards :) Congrats to Anshar for his Amethyst Star as was a Scroll of Indoctrination and a Topaz Star. So if you ever need a new TIE, Anshar can hook you up with the medal to melt into a TIE.

Storm got a shiny Quartz and a PROMOTION!! Big congrats to him!

Dranik was awarded a nice Emerald and passed the Sith Flight Studies II

Pyralis passed the IRC Basics course. One of many I've not even looked at :P You guys are making me look bad, guess I'll have to start taking some SA courses.

Speaking of Pyralis, he has been doing some great work making a kicking website for the phyle on his own. He's been sending me links to his works and it looks great! Storm has also been helping out bunches. He has made some awsome graphics and is currently working on more that I will definately put up on the current website. Yes I know I have to update the website. Give me some time as typing on this laptop hurts a bit. Couldn't tell that by all the typing I've just done ;)

As soon as I get done boring you all to death with my late night/early morning report I'm going to check the MB to see if Jac put our forum there. I saw in his last report he said it was on his to do list. So I'll see if it's there and continue to check.

Competition stuffs.

Well I thought this might be a fun thing to do. I'll submit it for approval after I'm done here. What I'm thinking of doing is hosting competitions made by you the Tyro. So you come up with the competition, run it by me before giving everyone details, you judge the submissions for a week, tell me who gets the medals and I award them! No it's not that I've run out of ideas, I just want you who have not had leadership experience to get some of the more fun experiences. Besides if there is ever a week were no one can think of one to run, I'll think of something. I'll even submit to the competitions but don't award me any medals even if you think I should get one. Once it is approved I'll open the floor to the first competition.

I'll update the competition page soon so stay tuned!

Question of the week.

Has anyone ever moved and gotten sick of telling everyone your new address and phone number?

No you don't have to answer that, just laugh.

And now for your viewing pleasure and closing, your moment of zen.

QUA Jason calmly walks up to the front of the room crowded with Dark Jedi. He stands behind the microphone and looks around with a solemn look on his face. He clears his throat and says "|_337! `/35! |>|-|342!!!" He then walkes off as calmly as before.

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