Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yeah, shut up...so it's getting out on a Monday, so sue me. I havn't been online all that much this week, with most of my time being split between looking for a job in a very competitive job market in a state with a crappy economy(and, to make things worse, I'm a teenager without any prior work experience), playing Neverwinter Nights for hours on end, and driving Alexi to-and-fro after she gets out of school.

But, anyways, with over a week since my last report, I've got quite a bit of stuff to report on. So, without further ado...to the report!

Medals...let's see...

-Crescent with Quartz Star went to Storm for taking third in Telona's "Jedi Trick-or-Treat" comp

-Anshar was awarded a Crescent with Topaz for taking second in Telona's aforementioned comp

-Crescent with Emerald Star was given to Dranik for taking first in that same comp of Telona's

-Anshar was given a Scroll of Indoctrination for his recruitment of Dranik into the DB

-Anshar was also awarded a past-due Crescent with Amethyst Star for taking second in one of the October KMTs

-Spears was given a Crescent with Saphirre for guessing the lyric's for something that Halcyon was doing..dunno, doesn't really say in the e-mail...

Now, on to SA stuff!

-Last week, I forgot to mention that Anshar passed the Sith ESET Course...sorry! Didn't mean to forget you!

-Pyralis passed the IRC Course

-And...Dranik passed ESET as well.

We've had a couple new people join our ranks this week. Firstly, everyone welcome APP Alttari! Next, we've got a transfer from Cestus...DJK Shen Long joins us from the ranks of the Obelisk! Welcome to the group, you two...I hope you guys enjoy your stay within Gladius.

Let's see, what else...oh yeah! Storm was promoted to PRT! Congrats, Storm!

And now, for a shameless plug from Spears... He wants to make sure that I mention his Letter Run-on that he's got running over on the House messageboard. So, go check that out. Also, he'd like to acknowledge a few people for their activity...but, sadly, I can't remember their names! GGAAAAHH! Sorry! Spears, if you could make mention as to who they are again, I'd really appreciate it...ehhehhehheh...

Hmm..well, that's all I can remember for this week, which means that I forgot to mention someone or something. So, if I did, let me know...thanks. Oh, and just as a heads-up, I'll be out of town starting this Friday. Yeah, I'm leaving again...and going to the same place that I did last year at this time. Yep, it's time to head back to Orycon! Yeah, I'll be down in Portland for the weekend, and I'll be back sometime Sunday evening. I'll be taking Alexi with me, so she'll be gone, too...much to Ma'arkhan's dismay, muahahaha! So, yeah...Aari's in charge for this weekend.

Ok, that's all I got. Have a fun, safe, and productive week!

KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]



SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai



--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001

Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --

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