Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Hello Vashino

Hey everyone, sorry there hasn't been a report in the past two weeks. However, i'm not sure that you guys even read the reports, so i guess that may be justified :P As a result, I want everyone to respond to this particular report as a way of showing me that you are alive. Email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I want everyone to give a warm welcome to our newest member Yathura Ban. He just completed his History and is now one of us. :) Yathura, I hope that you have a great time in this battleteam. I look forward to playing you some games.

Activty Activity Activity. Well, I can say that my activity has been down. Just 2 matches at the GMRG Tuesday Showdown and completion of ICQ and Leadership test.

Kairus: I haven't seen much activity with you. Can you check in with me soon please?

Waza: Rollmaster nuff said

Morrigan: asides from talking with me on AIM and IRC, little, but that's cuz you cant with your ISP.

Xhedias: Thanks for emailing me back. I understand the situation.

Yathura: welcome :)


Well, dalthids comps are still going on. Please try some of them out, we got nothing to lose :) Also, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays all have competitions to play in. Lets help out the CSK with activity in those.

And now for some CSK news:

BratStone has now made AED. Everyone give him a congrats. Hopefully he will kick some more life into us. As a result, draynor has made SGT of Crimson Dawn. Now look at that. My new recruit has made SGT within 2 months of joining. Does that smell of activity to you guys. Please follow his model.

Anyways, have a great week everyone. I hope everyone had a Fun Thanksgiving :)

DJK Bane (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto

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