Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

OK, I finally got a chance to sit down and write up a report. Yay! (right?!) I’ll keep it brief so you don’t have to sift through it for the actual information.

Important Stuff:

-Mage and I are accepting applications for Sith CMDR. Experience isn’t required, but make sure you write your ideas in the application.

-The Obelisk Right of Supremacy is officially on, as I’m sure you’ve heard. Technically speaking, I think the Sithies can participate in it too since they’re part of an Obelisk House :P I want us to at least take second, so if you’re going to do any competition at the moment, do this one. I’ll give out plenty of presents to those who participate. Details at:


-The Web Hunt Competition is being put on hold. I lost all the pictures I had gotten for it and haven’t replaced them.

-Capital Gains Competition. It’s fiction writing, which I know isn’t your thing, and Qel-Droma will probably rock it out anyway. Technically it covers us too, though, so I had to mention it. Details can be found at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/lch/comp/.

-AWOL Check. Mage said it was unofficial, but I’m making it official. Psyko’s the only one who responded to the questionnaire, so I gotta clean house. I know it’s holiday season, so you have three weeks to respond. Mail me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), Mage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), and Xiphias ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

-If you haven’t read the News on the DB site lately, here’s the most up-to-date list of JO/JA servers:

Name: [JO] Clan Taldryan

Contact: Kir Katarn


Pass: Talpwnz

Name: [JO] House Kirleta

Contact: Brat Stone



Name: [JA] Clan Naga Sadow

Contact: Miack


Pass: w7r0uc0

Name: [JA] Clan Tarentum

Contact: Bloodfyre


Pass: tardb123

-SITH! Just wanted to get your attention. Our own SWM Demosthenes is bringing back the traditional Sith Top Gun tournament, for both X-wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance. Email him ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) if you’re interested in competing for the top pilot honors in the DB.


-GRD Phelan Kell (Ibram :P) earned a CF for ICTE. Keep on rockin’, brotha!

Roster Changes:

-PRT Tarax transferred to CNS because Tiss is a bitch and keeps stealing members (Oops, did I say that?)

I think that’s everything. I hope you’re all enjoying your holidays. Don’t drink and drive. Try not to get herpes.



DA Voranyen (Obelisk)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona

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